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△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲Gaon Chart Music Awards Tickets - K-pop 2020 △▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲ 8th GAONCHART MUSIC AWARDS '5th Gaon Chart K-pop Awards Highlight' ©GAON Chart YOUTUBE.COM ※取消政策:不可退款 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 8th Gaon Chart Music Awards Reveals Award Categories And Nominees The Gaon Chart K-Pop Awards, is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea by the national music record chart Gaon Chart. The awards focus more on songs and albums rather than musicians. Award finalists are based on the previous year's Gaon year-end chart performance according to data for sales of songs and albums. 它的基礎——Gaon Chart由韓國音樂內容產業協會運營和管理,是官方主持聯合各個音樂銷售渠道,在2010年打造成立的,號稱韓國本土最官方、公正和透明的音樂銷量榜單。相當於美國的Billboard、日本的Oricon,銷量是一切。今年的《Gaon Chart Music Awards》將於 23 日晚間七點在首爾蠶室室內體育館登場。 Gaon Chart Music Awards tickets will be in high demand this year after another successful year for the K-pop elite. With that in mind, make sure you buy your Gaon Chart Music Awards tickets quickly to avoid disappointment! The awards show previously confirmed that BLACKPINK, HAON, iKON, IZ*ONE, Stray Kids, TWICE, The Boyz, MOMOLAND, BEN, Bolbbalgan4, SEVENTEEN, (G)I-DLE, Im Chang Jung, and Punch will be attending this year’s ceremony. 8th GAONCHART MUSIC AWARDS *演出日期 : 2019.01.23 - 2019.01.23 *觀看時間 : 230 分鐘 *類型 : 演唱會 *演出地點 : Jamsil Indoor stadium(蠶室室內體育館 / 잠실실내체육관) *地址 : 首爾特別市鬆坡區蠶室洞10 *交通 : 地鐵2號線綜合運動場(Sports Complex)站6、7號出口之間,步行10分鐘 *觀看等級 : 8週歲以上 *Rating : 8years and over *Date : 01.23.19 (Wed) 7:00 PM ~ 10:50 PM (Duration time : 230 minutes) *Location : Jamsil Arena(Jamsil Indoor Stadium) in Seoul *Address : 25, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul *Subway : Sports Complex Station (Seoul Subway Line 2), Exit 6 &7. *Host / Organizer : Korea Music Content Association / GAON CHART Awards Executive Office 8th Gaon Chart K-pop Music Awards Tickets ※兌換地點:TRIPPOSE / YL-SEOUL 現場指定兌換處 15:00 - 15:30:第八屆 Gaon Chart K-POP Awards入場觀覽券兌換 17:00:入場 ※Ticket redeeption: Trippose / YL-SEOUL Ticket box 15:00 - 15:30:8th Gaon Chart K-pop Music Awards Admission voucher redemption 17:00:Entry *Seat Ticket on the 2nd floor : KRW 200,000 *PREMIUM FLOOR STANDING : KRW 240,000 ※取消政策:不可退款 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible. ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked. ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue. ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable Notice [Operation] Will the concert be held if it rains? Even if it rains, unless announced in the homepage, the concert will be held as planned. [Operation] Can I take photographs or shoot videos? You may take photographs or shoot videos using simple tools. However, you are not allowed to use professional equipment (camera used by broadcasting program, use of tripod) to record or videotape the concert. If you do, you will be stopped. [Operation] Can I bring in foods or drinks inside the stadium? You may bring in water or beverages that are open. Otherwise, you are prohibited from bringing in foods inside the stadium. If discovered, the foods will be taken away and will not be returned. ※This ticket is only available for non-Korean nationals ※A valid ID(i.e. passport or foreign registration card) will be needed to verify your foreign nationality. ※If there is a Korean national in your group, you CANNOT purchase this ticket. ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket.
【Instant confirmation】2024 Busan OneAsia Festival K-POP Concert Ticket<2024 BOF Concert Ticket> ◀◁◀◁ CLICK!!! 【Instant confirmation】2024 Busan OneAsia Festival K-POP Concert Ticket<2024 BOF Concert Ticket> ◀◁◀◁ CLICK!!! 【Instant confirmation】2024 Busan OneAsia Festival K-POP Concert Ticket<2024 BOF Concert Ticket> ◀◁◀◁ CLICK!!! 【Instant confirmation】2024 Busan OneAsia Festival K-POP Concert Ticket<2024 BOF Concert Ticket> ◀◁◀◁ CLICK!!! 2023 Busan OneAsia Festival KPOP Concert (BOF) 'S4'座位已經售罄。我們將於未來再次提供更多的座位,敬請期待。 2023年10月21日,星期六的晚上,釜山的天空將被K-pop音樂的熱情點亮。在此,我們熱烈邀請你參加我們的“2023 Busan OneAsia Festival KPOP Concert (BOF)”。這將是一個讓你感受韓國文化,欣賞K-pop音樂的獨特機會,也將是你人生中一段美好的回憶。 此外,我們還提供專業的旅行套餐,讓你可以更深入地探索釜山的美景。我們精心挑選了釜山的名勝古迹和特色美食,保證讓你在這次旅行中有個難忘的體驗。旅行套餐還包括K-pop音樂會的門票,一舉兩得,讓你的釜山之旅更加豐富多彩。 不要錯過這個機會,讓我們在美麗的釜山相聚,共同感受亞洲的魅力,體驗K-pop的震撼。我們已經為你準備好最舒適的旅行環境,最精彩的文化盛宴。只等你的到來,一起開啓這個令人難忘的韓流之旅。我們期待著你的參與,一起創造一段美好的回憶。 BOF Opening Performance 打響2023 BOF開始的大韓民國最高等級、最大規模的K-POP文化節! 代表韓流的真正明星才能演出的舞台,引領K-POP的最佳陣容。 Event Outline ※ The above schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances. 行程:K-POP音樂會 / 日期:2023年10月21日(星期六),時間:18:00 - 22:00(韓國標準時間) *地點:釜山亞運會主賽場 (부산 아시아드주경기장)◀◁HERE(Google Map)! *交通:乘坐釜山地鐵3號線至綜合運動場(Sports Complex)站,從9號出口步行約13分鐘即可抵達。 *地址: 釜山廣域市蓮堤區世界杯大路344(巨堤洞) 부산광역시 연제구 월드컵대로 344 Line-up ※ The guests are subject to change. NCT 127(엔시티 127), Highlight(하이라이트), TREASURE(트레저), CLASS:y(클라씨), LEE CHAEYEON(이채연), OH MY GIRL(오마이걸), XODIAC(소디엑), BAE173(비에이이일칠삼/173), The Wind(더윈드) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根据主办方或出演ARTIST的情况,演出时间可能发生变更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 【Instant confirmation】 Package_1 【立即確認】2023 釜山同一個亞洲文化節BOF K-POP Concert Ticket + 釜山觀光巴士車票 *售票處運營時間: 15:00 - 16:30(韓國時間基準) ▶▷▶ ' Ticket Booth x Trippose.com ' *演唱會入場時間: 16:00 - 17:30(韓國時間基準) *演唱會若是遲到了,能進去嗎? 遲到的觀眾不能時入場。 演唱會要求觀眾提前入場,是為了檢票、安檢等留出足夠時間,以保證觀眾可以按時順利觀演 如果您未能在開場前。 從16時起, 按照門票上標記的入場號碼順序入場. --入場需要門票以及手環. --除了預約區域之外絕對不能隨意移動到其他站區或坐區. --入場開始後入場號碼將無效, 不能退款, 所以請準時入場. [外國人專用票務運營 / Ticket booth only for the foreigner] - 將安裝每個銷售站點的相應徽標X-banner。Trippose.com! HERE(Google Map)! *一定要在指定的外國人售票亭兌換門票。 *我們會在任何變更之前通知您。 ★此項目不會在付款後取消。 ★預訂確認後,將收取100%的取消費用。請註意,退款是不可能的。 確認您的預訂憑證和身份證。 (提供手機,打印憑證) *請務必出示您的預訂券。預訂電子郵件演示 *請在當天攜帶護照。 ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※關於取票事項:如果票務亭的位置發生變化,我們將在此頁面上通知您。請確保在參觀當天提前查看。我們感謝您的理解和合作。 【Instant confirmation】2023 Busan OneAsia Festival(BOF) K-POP Concert Ticket + Busan City Tour Bus Day Pass Busan Asiad Main Stadium(부산 아시아드주경기장) ◁◀◁◀◁◀ 【予約可】 Package_2 【立即確認】2023 釜山同一個亞洲文化節BOF K-POP Concert Ticket + Toyoko Inn Busan Station No.1(2D1N) ※請參閱上述日程安排,其中包括在酒店住宿一晚。 *Hotel Name: 東橫INN酒店(釜山站店) 토요코인호텔(부산역점) HERE(Google Map)! *住所: 釜山広域市 東區 中央大路196番キル 12(부산광역시 동구 중앙대로196번길 12) *入住時間16:00 / 退房時間10:00 2023 BOF Concert Hall Information(S4) *RANDOM Notice ※該路線不包含餐飲。 ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※一定要攜帶護照。 ※當天沒有搭乘的情況,不可以退款。 ※一人一座外,很難提供保管行李的座位。請諒解。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※為了不給他人帶來影響,請跟隨導遊的指示。請一定遵守車輛搭乘時間及集合時間。 ※因個人行為對全體遊覽造成問題時,會追究責任。 ※車輛已加入保險。但是,不對遊覽中,在個別活動中發生的事故負責。 ※如果因交通狀況而導致意外延誤,請耐心等待 ※請準時到達。 如果您遲到,將被視為未入住。 ※此行程需要很多步行時間,請穿著舒適的鞋子。 ※取消政策 : 預約完成後不可取消,取消違約金為100%。 ※緊急聯繫電話:+82-10-6787-1516 ※預約時請記入韓國可聯繫方式 (手機號 or 微信號 or LINE ID) ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※取消政策:不可退款 ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 僅在演出當天可聯繫 / 公演當日のみ連絡可能)
▲ CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2023 : Promotional Video (Teaser) Ready for K-Pop's electrifying energy? Get your tickets to the Circle Chart Music Awards and get closer to the stars! Seize your spot at the Circle Chart Music Awards – buy your tickets today and experience the thrill live! Act fast for the ultimate K-Pop experience – purchase your Circle Chart Music Awards tickets and join the celebration! 感受2024年Circle Chart Music Awards(써클차트 뮤직 어워즈)的K-POP榮耀!這一盛大的音樂獎項原名為Gaon Chart Music Awards,由韓國音樂內容協會年度頒發,主要基於國家音樂記錄排行榜Circle Chart上歌曲和專輯的商業表現。 Circle Chart(써클차트),前稱為Gaon Chart(가온차트),是韓國第一個得到政府認可的唱片排行榜,由韓國音樂內容協會管理,韓國文化體育觀光部贊助。該排行榜自2010年起運行,旨在建立一個類似於美國的“Billboard”和日本的“Oricon”那樣的官方全國排行榜,傳播其大眾音樂文化。 自2017年起,該頒獎典禮通過Mnet和V Live在全球直播。Circle Chart於2022年7月7日更名,Gaon Chart Music Awards隨之更名為Circle Chart Music Awards。 Circle Chart Music Awards將在2024年1月10日在釜山展覽會議中心(BEXCO)舉行。這場全球直播的頒獎典禮將吸引世界各地的韓國音樂愛好者。屆時,包括美國、加拿大、巴西、墨西哥、印度、新加坡、日本、馬來西亞、泰國、印尼、秘魯、丹麥、歐洲、澳大利亞、南非、新西蘭和英國等地的人們都能通過各種在線流媒體平台觀看這一年度頒獎典禮。 去年,全球知名的K-POP樂隊和藝術家如STAYC、aespa、NMIXX、Kep1er、Choi Ye Na、(G)I-DLE成員Miyeon、ENHYPEN、BE'O、TXT、SEVENTEEN的BSS以及NCT成員Doyoung等均在頒獎典禮上演出。今年的表演陣容將在未來幾週內公佈。 去年的頒獎典禮由NCT成員Doyoung和(G)I-DLE成員Miyeon主持。主辦方去年引入了一些新的變化來決定獲獎者。國際K-pop粉絲選出了主要獎項類別的獲獎者,例如年度藝術家(數字音樂)、年度新人(數字音樂)和世界新人獎。這些類別的獲獎者是基於全球K-pop排行榜的數據來決定的。 主辦方去年還引入了年度團體藝術家和年度男/女單獨藝術家獎項。這些獎項的獲獎者是根據全球K-pop排行榜和Circle的專輯排行榜來選出的。另一個變化是年度風格大獎的名稱變更。編舞和造型師獎項被更名為視覺導演和表演導演。 不要錯過這個在韓國現場觀看K-POP最佳表演的機會!為了不忘的韓國流行文化之旅和見到您最愛的偶像的絕佳機會,請立即通過Trippose *2023 CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS Line-up: ATEEZ(에이티즈), EXO(엑소), NCT DREAM(엔시티 드림), ENHYPEN(엔하이픈), ONF(온앤오프, オンエンオフ), INFINITE(인피니트), ZEROBASEONE(ZB1 · 제로베이스원 · ゼロベースワン), CRAVITY(크래비티 · クレビティ), TOMORROW X TOGETHER(투모로우바이투게더), TREASURE(트레저|トレジャー), PLAVE(플레이브 | プレイブ), P1Harmony(피원하모니) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 ※只有15歲及以上的外國人士才有資格購買。購票時,需要出示您的護照或外國人登記卡(ARC)以進行驗證。 ① 首爾出發:2024 Circle Chart Music Awards 地面席 + 往返穿梭巴士接送套※如果不參加旅遊,將會被視為“未到場”,不可退款。 音樂會門票無法單獨購買,務必準時參加旅遊活動。 ※ 請您確保準時登車。如果您超過出發時間,可能會對其他乘客造成不便。為確保一切順利,請您至少提前20分鐘到達集合地點。 10:00 地鐵4號線 明洞站 3號出口 出發(명동역 3번출구) ▶▷HERE(Google Map) 高速公路服務區用午餐休息 16:30 到達演唱會場地,等待入場,然後進入 19:00 觀賞“2024 Circle Chart Music Awards” K-POP表演! 22:30 演出結束後,請上車。(※請遵循現場導遊的指示,確保不給他人帶來不便。務必準時上車和集合。) 03:30 明洞站後,解散活動。 【包含內容】 往返巴士、導遊、門票、音樂會門票、酒水費、停車費、司機小費等 【不包含內容】 午餐、個人旅行保險、個人支出 ② Busan Departure: 2024 Circle Chart Music Awards Ground Seats + Busan City Tour Bus Ticket 14:00 – 18:00 請出示您的護照和預訂憑證以領取演唱會門票。請註意,外國人專用售票亭提供門票兌換服務,門票將按一人一票方式發放。具體兌換地點的詳情將稍後公佈,請在活動前務必查看本產品頁面以獲取更新信息。 14:40 釜山市觀光巴士(預計時長:2小時10分鐘) 路線:從BEXCO出發 → 廣安橋 → 和平公園 → 釜山站 → 釜山大橋 → UN紀念公園 → 釜山博物館 → 龍湖灣遊覽船碼頭 → 廣安裡海水浴場 → 海洋城 → 冬柏島 → 海雲台海水浴場 → Centum City → 返回BEXCO ※您的釜山市觀光巴士票在有效期內可使用。 17:00 到達場地,等待入場。 19:00 現場體驗“Circle Chart Music Awards” K-POP表演! 22:00 活動結束,參與者可自由離開場地。 ③ From Busan: 2024 Circle Chart Music Awards Ground Seat + Busan City Tour Bus Ticket + Hotel(1 Night, 2 Days) ~15:00 海雲台Centum酒店辦理入住。▶▷HERE(Google Map) 地址:釜山市海雲台區Centum3路20號 網址:http://www.ecentumhotel.com 諮詢電話:+82-51-720-9000 ※行程包括一晚住宿(單人入住提供豪華雙人房,雙人入住提供豪華雙床房)。 14:00 – 18:00 請出示您的護照和預訂憑證以領取演唱會門票。請註意,外國人專用售票亭提供門票兌換服務,門票將按一人一票方式發放。具體兌換地點的詳情將稍後公佈,請在活動前務必查看本產品頁面以獲取更新信息。 14:40 釜山市觀光巴士(預計時長:2小時10分鐘) 路線:從BEXCO出發 → 廣安橋 → 和平公園 → 釜山站 → 釜山大橋 → UN紀念公園 → 釜山博物館 → 龍湖灣遊覽船碼頭 → 廣安裡海水浴場 → 海洋城 → 冬柏島 → 海雲台海水浴場 → Centum City → 返回BEXCO ※您的釜山市觀光巴士票在有效期內可使用。 17:00 到達場地,等待入場。 19:00 現場體驗“Circle Chart Music Awards” K-POP表演! 22:00 活動結束,參與者可自由離開場地。 註意事項 / Notice ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。 ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※取消政策:不可退款 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 僅在演出當天可聯繫 / 公演當日のみ連絡可能)
▲ Incheon Airport Sky Festival K-pop Concert 2021 In the spirit of connecting the world both through flights and culture, the iconic Incheon Airport (one of the air flight centers in South Korea) is holding its Incheon Airport SKYFESTIVAL K-Pop Concert in celebration of the Hallyu movement. The Incheon Airport Sky Festival is one of the annual outdoor K-Pop festivals in Korea which attracts over 30,000 people from all over the world every year. It features the beloved K-pop artists and crossover-genre musicians. Go get the greatest K-pop concert at Incheon Airport and spend the wonderful day of October. Event Outline ※ The above schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances. Schedule : K-POP Concert / 9. 24(Sat), 7:00 pm Venue : Incheon Airport Grass Square 1st Line-up ※ The guests are subject to change. THE BOYZ(더보이즈), MAMAMOO(마마무), Kep1er(케플러), VIVIZ(비비즈), URBAN ZAKAPA(어반자카파), Lee Seok-Hoon(이석훈 / 李碩薰), Gaho(가호) 2st Line-up news coming soon! ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 2022 Incheon Airport Sky Festival K-pop Concert Ticket with Tour ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance. *15:30 Pick up at Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3(※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time.) ▶▷HERE! *17:00 Arrival / Entering the concert hall / Grass Square *19:00 Enjoy '2022 Incheon Airport Sky Festival' *21:30 Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) *22:30 Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3 *Included 1. Admission tickets 2. Driver tips 3. Fuel / parking fee *Not included 1. Personal expenses 2. Travel insurance 3. Meal ★ Amendment & Refund Policy ★ ※Please bring your passport with you. ※ If you cannot board on that day, no refund will be given. ※ It is difficult to give another seat for 1 person. Please understand. ※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time. ※ You may be held liable if you have a problem with your entire tour due to your personal behavior. ※ The vehicle is insured. However, we are not responsible for accidents during individual activities during the tour. ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance. ※ Vehicles are offered for 12, 25, or 45 passengers depending on the number of passengers. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※ Vehicle seat On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※ If you have a passenger, please tell us when you board the vehicle. ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ※ Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible. ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516
邂逅K-POP韓流明星,期盼已久的'大邱K-POP演唱會將'開幕! 時隔3年與大家見面的夢想演唱會,預計將與4萬多名觀眾一起度過約180分鐘(3個小時)的激情時刻,慶北大學校也將變身為一場K-POP韓流演唱會盛宴。粉絲們可以在眼前看到自己喜歡的藝人表演,全身心投入感受充滿活力的精彩舞台。 這肯定會成為韓國旅行中不可錯過的節日! 最火熱的K-POP舞台 門票將極速售罄 11月來韓國的粉絲 千萬不要錯過 Event Outline ※ The above schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances. Schedule : K-POP Concert / 10. 9(Sun), 6:00 pm Venue : 慶北大學校 / Gyeongbuk University / Ground zone(Random) 1st Line-up ※ The guests are subject to change. PSY(싸이), ATEEZ(에이티즈)、THE BOYZ(더보이즈)、KAI(EXO /카이 / 엑소)、MONSTA X(몬스타엑스)、ASTRO(아스트로) 2st Line-up news coming soon! ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 2022 Daegu K-POP Concert Tour + Bus(首爾↔大邱) ※請準時到達。 如果您遲到,將被視為未入住。※超過出發時間會對他人造成影響所以一定要在時間內搭乘。最少在20分鐘前到達。 *07:30 地鐵4號線 明洞站 3號出口 出發 / 명동역 3번출구 출발 ▶▷HERE! ↓ 大邱西門市場(대구서문시장) ↓ BTS V(뷔) 壁畫街(BTS 뷔 벽화거리) ↓ 大邱近代街區(近代時空旅行)(대구 근대골목) ↓ 大邱東城路 (대구 동성로거리) *17:00 Arrival / Entering the concert hall / Ground zone(Random) *18:00 Enjoy '2022 Daegu K-POP Concert' *21:00-21:30 Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) *01:30(October 10) Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3 *Included 1. Admission tickets 2. Driver tips 3. Fuel / parking fee 4. Staff *Not included 1. Personal expenses 2. Travel insurance 3. Meals 4. Tips 5. Other expenses not mentioned ★ Amendment & Refund Policy ★ ※ 演出中斷時,將退還100%的巡回演出費。 ※ 公演座位不能提前指定。當天隨機提供。 ※ 預約時請提供當天可以聯繫得到的方式。 ※ 公交車準時出發。為了不給其他人造成困擾,請在出發前20分鐘到達集合場所。 ※ 僅向預約者告知演唱會當日的緊急聯繫方式。 ※ 乘車方法: 乘車前出示預約確認書(or 手機畫面)以及護照。 ※ 車輛座位: 在現場, 按照順序分配座位。 ※ 專用巴士不能保管任何(大、小)的行李箱。 ※ 確定預約後取消會產生100%的取消費。不能以任何原因退款,請註意. ※ 因為旅行費用中不包括餐品,所以請提前準備食物。 ※ 公演日程可能會根據當地情況而變更,恕不另行通知。 ※ 演出主辦方變更、中止公演內容本公司不承擔責任,敬請諒解。 ※ 所需時間可能會因為公演時間及交通堵塞而出現一些延誤。 ※ 當天請務必攜帶所有參加者的護照(原件) ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 滿12歲以上可以參加 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 入場前會進行包包檢查 ※ 公演會場將禁止開閃光燈攝影。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※取消政策:不可退款 ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516
▶ 門票銷售將於7月30日結束,請盡早購票! 在2024仁川PENTAPORT體驗頂級搖滾節 – 立即預訂您的門票! 加入全球搖滾狂歡 – 2024仁川PENTAPORT專為外國人準備的特別優惠! 不容錯過的2024仁川PENTAPORT搖滾節 – 特別套餐和難忘的演出等您來! 韓國搖滾之旅 – 2024仁川PENTAPORT限時優惠門票等著您! 體驗2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節的激情夏日! 2024 仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節 每年八月初舉辦的“2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節”即將回歸!這一在韓國仁川舉辦的盛事,是國內規模最大的標誌性搖滾音樂節。“PENTAPORT”這一名稱代表了仁川的五個主要港口:仁川港、仁川機場、信息港、商務港和休閒港,像徵著仁川的城市發展戰略。 全球搖滾音樂盛典 “2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節”是一項吸引全球搖滾音樂愛好者的大型活動。韓國頂尖的搖滾藝術家與國際知名音樂人齊聚一堂,這一音樂節已成為全球音樂愛好者必去的盛事。由仁川廣域市主辦,仁川旅遊發展局和京畿日報共同承辦,這一音樂節將為您帶來難忘的音樂體驗。 音樂節詳情▶▷HERE(Google Map) 日期: 2024年8月2日-4日 地點: 仁川廣域市,鬆島月光慶典公園 交通: 仁川地鐵1號線鬆島月光慶典公園站步行約10分鐘。 2024年的精彩陣容 今年的陣容令人興奮,包括Jack White、Turnstile、Jannabi、Kim Gordon、SE SO NEON、Girl in Red、RIDE、Silica Gel、Sepultura和DAY6等多種搖滾風格的頂級藝術家。此外,Parannoul、Goonam、Glen Check、Playbook、The Poles、Broccoli, you too?、SAY SUE ME、Wave to Earth和SEAWEED MUSTACHE等也將參演,提供更加豐富的音樂體驗。 為什麼參加? 自2006年首次舉辦以來,“仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節”年年刷新觀眾紀錄,已成長為韓國頂級音樂節。2023年的音樂節吸引了15萬名觀眾,進一步提升了其聲譽。2024年的音樂節預計將帶來更多難忘的體驗,吸引更多的觀眾。 韓國旅行的特別回憶 如果您計劃前往韓國旅行,不妨參加“2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節”,創造難忘的回憶。感受激情四溢的能量,與愛好音樂的人們交流,欣賞國內外各種藝術家的精彩表演。這一音樂節是體驗韓國豐富音樂文化的絕佳機會,必將成為您旅行計劃中的特別一站。 票務信息 不要錯過這一精彩的音樂節!立即預訂門票,投入到“2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節”的激情中來。享受三天不停歇的搖滾演出、難忘的表演以及無與倫比的獨特氛圍。 一同體驗“2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節”,感受音樂、激情與能量的碰撞吧! 票務套餐種類 Ticket Package Options 1. 3-Day3-day(Fri-Sun) Pass + 韓紙工藝體驗課程票 + 禮品 2. 2-Day(Fri-Sat/Sat-Sun) Pass + 韓紙工藝體驗課程票 + 禮品 3. 1-Day(Fri/Sat/Sun) Pass + 韓紙工藝體驗課程票 + 禮品 ※ 每人最多可購買4張票。 ※ 韓紙工藝體驗課程票有效期至2024年12月31日。 ※ 韓紙工藝體驗課程地點位於仁川想像平台一樓。 ※ 外國人專用禮品將在活動當天憑票兌換,由主辦方提供,禮品數量有限,送完即止,恕不另行通知。 ★ 外國遊客專用禮品發放通知:2024仁川 PENTAPORT搖滾節 * T恤發放:T恤的顔色和尺碼將在現場隨機提供。 * 重要提示:請在兌換門票時務必領取您的禮品(T恤)。如果未能在現場領取禮品,票務銷售方概不負責。 * 替代品政策:如果T恤庫存不足,可能會在不另行通知的情況下用其他物品替代。 * 諮詢:如有任何疑問,請諮詢現場的多語言工作人員。 票務兌換流程及地點 Ticket Exchange Procedures and Locations * 外國人專用票務亭開放時間:10:00-22:00(韓國當地時間) * 入場時間:10:00起(韓國當地時間) * 請在標有“Trippose”標誌的外國人專用票務亭兌換門票。 * 預訂確認後不可取消和退款,請謹慎購買。 * 您必須出示手機預訂憑證和身份證明(護照或身份證)。電子和打印的憑證均可接受。 * 請務必出示預訂憑證。預訂確認郵件無效。 * 請務必在當天攜帶護照。 ※ 在標有Trippose.com標誌的外國人專用票務亭,出示您的手機憑證和護照,即可兌換入場腕帶。佩戴腕帶後,您可以進入會場,並且可以自由再入場。 ※ 入場腕帶必須在演出結束前始終佩戴。3-day和2-day的腕帶需要在整個觀演期間佩戴。請註意,腕帶丟失或損壞時無法補發,因此請妥善保管。 註意事項 / Notice ※ 預訂確認後的票不可取消或退款。 ※ 換票時,請務必出示預訂憑證和護照(或外國人身份證)。預訂確認郵件不接受。 ※ 演出當天請務必攜帶護照。 ※ 購買門票即視為同意演出指南。根據演出情況,指南可能會更新或更改。請在觀演前重新確認指南,以避免任何不便或損失。 ※ 請將移動預訂憑證在外國人專用票務亭換成入場腕帶。佩戴腕帶後可以進入會場,並且可以自由再入場。 ※ 表演藝術家和演出時間如有不可抗力情況可能會更改,因此不允許取消或退款。 ※ 入場腕帶丟失或損壞時,不能重新發行,請妥善保管。 ※ 3-day/2-day 的腕帶在整個活動期間必須佩戴。 ※ 購買酒類和吸煙僅限佩戴年齡驗證腕帶的成人。 ※ 入場時會檢查腕帶和禁止攜帶物品(包括外部食品和飲料)。 ※ 為確保觀眾的安全,場內將安裝和運行閉路電視(CCTV)。 ※ 會場內將設有收費行李寄存處。 ※ 對因觀眾自身疏忽導致的事故、盜竊或丟失,主辦方、共辦方、合作公司、會場和銷售方不承擔任何責任。請妥善保管貴重物品。 ※ 如果場內發生緊急情況,請使用最近的急救站,並在需要幫助時告知附近的保安或工作人員。 ※ 過度飲酒、使用煙花、使用火器等危險物品,以及對其他觀眾造成騷擾或損壞會場內外設施或場所的行為,將立即被驅逐並採取法律措施,且不予退款。 ※ 公演當天,僅限撥打 +82-1899-6709 諮詢電話。會場內有提供英語、日語和中文服務的翻譯員。 ※ 本票務套餐是為紀念2023-2024韓國訪問年,由仁川觀光公社專為外國人準備的。韓國人不能購買。如韓國人購買,不可取消或退款。敬請諒解。 ※ 본 티켓 패키지는 2023-2024 한국 방문의 해를 기념하여 외국인 전용으로 인천관광공사에서 준비한 티켓입니다. 한국인은 구매할 수 없으며, 구매 시 취소 및 환불이 불가합니다. 이 점 양해 부탁드립니다.
WINNER Reveals Dates And Venues For Their Upcoming “CROSS” Tour WINNER's “Cross” Asia Tour extends to more than seven Asian countries. Details are as follows. 1. 26th & 27th October 2019 – KSPO Dome, Seoul 2. 24th November 2019 – NTSU Arena, Taipei 3. 21st December 2019 – Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta 4. 11th January 2020 – Thunder Dome, Bangkok 5. 18th January 2020 – Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur 6. 25th January 2020 – Mall of Asia Arena, Manila 7. 8th February 2020 – The Star Theatre, Singapore 'Trippose.com' x WINNER [CROSS] TOUR IN SEOUL Ticket *Date : October 26, 2019 (Saturday) 19:00 ~ 22:00(Local time) *Location : KSPO DOME -Address : 424, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul / 서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 424 (방이동) -[Subway] Olympic Park Station (Seoul Subway Line 5), Exit 3. Located on the left. -[Bus] Green Bus 3312, 3316, 3411, 3412, 3413, 4213 Blue bus 340, 342, 371 Get off at Olympic Park. -Operation time of the ticket booth : October 26, 2019 (Saturday) 16:00 - 19:00(Local time)[Ticket booth only for the foreigner] -you can check change your ticket the each vendor site with X-banner logo. -Change your ticket at the designated at the foreigner exclusive ticket booth certainly. ※ we will notify changes in advance. ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed *How to Receive : Please present reservation confirmation mobile voucher after reservation voucher, identification (passport or ID card) and distribution. / Appointment E-mail not available. *Note : You will not be able to enter the concert after the closing time of the concert, so please observe the ticket receipt time and arrive in advance so that there will be no disruption in your position. PARADISE CITY CIMER Admission Ticket * Validity period: Until December 20, 2019 (* Additional charges will apply) CIMER : CIMER is a European-inspired art spa putting a new spin on Korea's jjimjilbang culture, entertaining its guests through weekly pool parties and theme-based facilities. *AQUA SPA ZONE Trendy and luxurious, the Aqua Spa Zone is more than a swimming pool. It is a dynamic space where LED media art meets thematic pool parties. *JJIMJIL SPA ZONE Recuperate in style in the Jjimjil Spa Zone, enjoying Korea's Jjimjil culture along with Hot Shot services, treatment and a variety of other detox programs. *SAUNA Our luxuriously designed sauna is equipped with shower booths, baths and Bade facilities. Paradise City : 186, Yeongjonghaeannam-ro 321beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon Hall Information *This seating ticket is for Ground Floor 4 zone. Notice * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible. ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked. ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue. ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable
▲Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2019 Gwangyang (Korean pronunciation: [kwaŋ.jaŋ]) is a city in South Jeolla Province, South Korea. Gwangyang city is the home of POSCO's Gwangyang Steel Works, the largest facility of its kind in the world. The city is also home to K League Classic football side Jeonnam Dragons. Gwangyang is home to many unique natural and cultural sites as well as many different festivals during the four seasons. 最火熱的K-POP舞台 門票將極速售罄 11月來韓國的粉絲 千萬不要錯過 Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2022 2022 光陽K-POPコンサート・フェスティバル観覧ツアー<送迎付き> - Schedule :October 22, 2022 (Saturday) / 19:00-21:00 - Venue :Gwangyang Public Stadium(광양공설운동장) / 695-20, Maecheon-ro, Gwangyang-eup, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do - Host : GWANGYANG CITY / Supervision : POSCO Line-up ASTRO(MOONBIN&SANHA)、오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)、펜타곤(PENTAGON)、청하 (CHUNG HA|チョンハ)、시그니처(cignature) 、머스트비(MustB)、코카N버터(CocaNButter / Street Woman Fighter) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2022 Ticket ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance.※予約 Ground Seat Zone / Random layout : Random! 07:30 Pick up at Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3(※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time.) ▶▷HERE(Google Map)! ↓ Arrival at Gwangyang, lunch (Lunch and dinner are not included) ↓ Baekal Island tour 16:00 Arrival 17:00 Entering the concert hall 19:00 Enjoy 'Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2022' 21:30 Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) 01:30 Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3 ★ Amendment & Refund Policy ★ ※Please bring your passport with you. ※ If you cannot board on that day, no refund will be given. ※ It is difficult to give another seat for 1 person. Please understand. ※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time. ※ You may be held liable if you have a problem with your entire tour due to your personal behavior. ※ The vehicle is insured. However, we are not responsible for accidents during individual activities during the tour. ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance. ※ Vehicles are offered for 12, 25, or 45 passengers depending on the number of passengers. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※ Vehicle seat On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※ If you have a passenger, please tell us when you board the vehicle. ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ※ Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible. ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※Emergency contact number : +82-10-6787-1516
▲ 2022 KIMHYUNJOONG CONCERT Offline performances and online live streaming services will be held at the same time. Kim Hyun-Joong's 3rd regular album 'MY SUN' deals with the story of what 'lights me up', which he has been thinking about while enduring the difficult Corona era, and is a tribute and simple confession to his family, friends, and fans. to be. This performance was planned to express his sincerity contained in all the songs in his 3rd regular album through the stage. Singer Kim Hyun-joong, who has returned with a regular album, will hold a domestic concert at YES24 LIVEHALL. This concert can be viewed both online and offline, and you can enjoy all the songs from Kim Hyunjoong’s 3rd regular album 'MY SUN'. *Performance name : 2023 Kim Hyun Joong Concert *Performance date : March 4th, 2023 (Sat) 7pm *Venue : YES24 LIVE Hall Contents of performance open notice ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable 16:00 Pick up at Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3(※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time.) ▶▷HERE(Google Map)! 16:50 Arrival 17:00 Entering the concert hall 18:00 Enjoy ' 2023 KIM HYUN-JOONG CONCERT' 21:30 Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) 22:30 Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3 Seats: 1st Floor (seats with a good view of the stage) ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance. Notice * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible. ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked. ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue. ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 15 minutes in advance. ※ Vehicles are offered for 12, 25, or 45 passengers depending on the number of passengers. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※Check your voucher and ID before boarding the vehicle. (Mobile, printed voucher available) ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※Emergency contact number : +82-10-6787-1516
2024年首爾Hanteo Music Awards —— Trippose.com門票現已發售! 2024 Hanteo Music Awards in Seoul —— 現已在Trippose.com開售門票! 親臨K-POP最盛大的夜晚! 作為K-POP音樂會門票的領先平台,Trippose.com誠邀您參與第31屆「2024 Hanteo Music Awards in Seoul」。2024年2月17日至18日,我們將在首爾東大門設計廣場(Dongdaemun Design Plaza)共同見證這一非凡事件。 預期的頂尖K-POP明星陣容! 雖然最終陣容仍在確定中,「2024 Hanteo Music Awards in Seoul」以展示K-POP界最耀眼的明星而著名。今年的潛在提名者包括眾多粉絲喜愛的團體,如NewJeans、ENHYPEN、aespa、(G)I-DLE、SEVENTEEN、SHINee等。超過50組藝人有望爭奪年度藝術家大獎,同時新人獎的競爭也同樣引人註目。 選擇Trippose.com參與「2024 Hanteo Music Awards in Seoul」的理由? 全球範圍內的門票:向全球K-POP愛好者提供門票。 輕鬆預訂:我們提供簡單、可靠的在線購票流程。 獨特體驗:在這一備受矚目的活動中親身體驗K-POP的魅力。 探索首爾:將這一頒獎之夜與首爾的美妙旅行相結合。 K-POP的華麗之夜! 「2024 Hanteo Music Awards in Seoul」不僅是一場頒獎禮,更是全球K-POP盛宴的展示。期待精彩的表演、令人激動的頒獎時刻,以及親眼見到您最喜愛的藝人的機會。回顧以往的獲獎者,如BTS、NCT DREAM、Stray Kids,同時期待今年的耀眼明星。 立即預訂,共襄盛舉! 千萬不要錯過成為「2024 Hanteo Music Awards in Seoul」這一重大K-POP活動的一部分的機會。立即訪問Trippose.com,預訂您的門票,深入首爾K-POP文化的核心,共同體驗這一不可思議的夜晚! 2024 Hanteo Music Awards 2024 Hanteo Music Awards 【Product introduction】 *Performance name : 2023 Hanteo Music Awards *Performance date : February 17 (Saturday) - 18 (Sunday), 2024 *Venue : Dongdaemun Design Plaza (동대문디자인플라자 / DDP) 2024 Hanteo Music Awards Line-up: aespa(에스파 · エスパ), ZEROBASEONE(ZB1 · 제로베이스원 · ゼロベースワン), Jeong Dong-won(정동원), KIM JAEHWAN(김재환), KISS OF LIFE(키스 오브 라이프), tripleS(트리플에스), Lee Chan-won(이찬원 李燦元 ), DAYBREAK(데이브레이크), LUCY(루시), Parc Jae Jung(박재정|樸宰正), VIVIZ(비비지), PLAVE(플레이브 · プレイブ) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 ※只有15歲及以上的外國人士才有資格購買。購票時,需要出示您的護照或外國人登記卡(ARC)以進行驗證。 2024 Hanteo Music Awards Tickets + T-money 交通卡 *Floor Standing *日期/時間:2024年2月17日(星期六)和2月18日(星期日),晚上19:00至22:30(韓國當地時間) *地點:東大門設計廣場(Dongdaemun Design Plaza / 동대문디자인플라자 / DDP) *地址:首爾特別市中區乙支路281(서울특별시 중구 을지로 281) -地鐵:地鐵2號、4號和5號線,東大門歷史文化公園站(DDP),1號出口 ※請前往專為外國人設立的售票亭,上面會標有“Trippose.com”或“GO TOUR”的標誌。 ※關於取票事項:如果票務亭的位置發生變化,我們將在此頁面上通知您。請確保在參觀當天提前查看。我們感謝您的理解和合作。 *售票亭營業時間:15:00 - 17:30(韓國當地時間) *入場時間:17:00(韓國當地時間) *遲到者:如果因為所有側面座位已被佔用而無法安排入座,遲到的觀眾將無法進入音樂會場地,且其門票費用不予退還。 [外國人專用票務運營 / Ticket booth only for the foreigner] *將設置帶有各銷售網站徽標的外國人專用售票亭。請在Trippose.com這裡查看位置!(Google地圖鏈接) 請務必在指定的外國人售票亭兌換門票。 *如有任何變更,我們將提前通知您。 ★本項目付款後不可取消。 ★一旦預訂確認,將收取100%的取消費用。請註意,退款是不可能的。 請確認您的預訂憑證和身份證件。(支持手機電子憑證或打印憑證) *請務必出示您的預訂憑證。也可出示預訂確認郵件 *請務必在當天攜帶護照。 *領票方式:預約後請出示手機電子憑證及有效身份證件(護照或身份證)領票。/ 不支持僅通過預約郵件領票。 *溫馨提示:一旦音樂會開始,將不再允許入場。為確保您的座位,請您按照領票時間提前到達。 ※退票規定:購票後不予退款。 註意事項 / Notice ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。 ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※取消政策:不可退款 ※ 請註意,本活動的門票一經售出,無論任何原因均不支持取消和退款。我們不接受關於退款的諮詢。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 僅在演出當天可聯繫 / 公演當日のみ連絡可能)