江原道(旌善郡) ,

忠清南道(唐津市) ,
機池市拔河節並非地方政府刻意打造出的慶典,是自然流傳下來,以有500年傳統而自豪的民俗慶典。最早是祈願一年豐收平安、村民彼此和樂融融的傳統村莊慶典,1982年被指定為國家重要無形文化財第75號,是韓國極具代表性的無形遺產。2015年更被列為UNESCO的人類無形文化遺產(4國共同申請: 韓國、越南、柬埔寨、菲律賓)。機池市拔河除了祈求預防國家災難與農作收成富饒的豐年外,也象徵著地區居民們的團結和諧。拔河民俗慶典會從每年農曆2月1日起動手製作細繩,3月初(國曆4月初)完成雌繩100m(拔河中象徵雌性的繩子,一端做成圓環,能將雄繩頭放入)、雄繩100m、直徑1.8cm、重達40噸的巨大拔河繩。 從製作細繩起就能視做為慶典活動的開端,從4月第二個週四到週日共四天的主要活動開始,將擁有祈願豐年之意的兩條巨大繩索結合,並舉行象徵和諧團結的拔河比賽。無論身分地位或男女老少,只要是身在此處的人都能自由參與拔河。數萬人潮拔河的呼喊聲與傳統音樂聲,以及眾多的農具與飄蕩的令旗,場面可說是壯觀無比。

首爾(松坡區) ,

首爾(中區) ,
R-16 KOREA是由B-BOY/ POPPING/ LOCKING的個人賽與B-BOY團體賽所組成的世界街舞淘汰賽兼城市街頭文化節,每年於全世界的20多個國家舉辦R16冠軍賽,勝出者可取得參與每年在韓國首爾舉行的最終決賽「R16 Korea World Finals」的資格。而在R16 Korea World Finals大賽期間,還能參與街頭市集、欣賞塗鴉藝術、嘻哈演唱會、POPPING對決、LOCKING對決等,感受各式各樣的表演與城市街頭文化。R16的「R」指「Respect(尊敬)」之意,「R16 World Finals Champion」可謂所有街舞舞者最想獲得的榮譽之一,取得R16冠軍頭銜的舞者,等於擁有並展現了通往全世界的眾多可能性。R16於2007年首度舉辦開始,至今仍持續容納多元且年輕的城市文化,並提高了街頭文化的地位與水平。

釜山廣域市(西區) ,
釜山在長達1129天的韓戰中,曾有1023天是大韓民國的臨時首都。作為臨時首都政府廳舍與總統官邸等立法、司法、行政機關所在地的釜山西區,是當時臨時首都的心臟,也是全國民齊心協力以克服國難之處。而為躲避戰亂自全國各地聚集於此的人民,即使面臨失鄉之痛,也在廢墟中開墾出希望,打造出如今成為釜山灣獨特風景的「山腹道路」。 「避難首都釜山夜行」活動,即是希望透過走訪臨時首都紀念館、臨時首都紀念街、臨時首都政府廳舍(現 東亞大學石堂博物館)、峨嵋洞碑石文化村等能一窺波瀾不斷的韓國現代史片段之景點,以當時的建築、文化資產及在此進行的各種展覽、表演與體驗,讓旅客親身認識韓國唯一的「避難首都釜山」之歷史意義和價值。

首爾(中區) ,

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2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN Get ready for the ultimate K-POP experience! Korea's premier K-POP festival, "DREAM CONCERT," is making its grand overseas debut on June 18th at Saitama Super Arena in Japan.  With the heartwarming theme "Hello, My Friends!", the "2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN" aims to unite Korean and Japanese music enthusiasts in a celebration of friendship and harmony through the power of K-POP. This groundbreaking event will feature two spectacular performances in one day, showcasing an incredible lineup of top K-POP artists, including JYJ's Jaejoong (J-JUN), Junsu (JU), Kim Jae Hwan, AB6IX, Dreamcatcher, KINGDOM, AIMERS, Hi-Fi Un!corn, CLASS:y, ILY:1, JO1 (part 1 performance only), INI (part 2 performance only), and DXTEEN (part 2 performance only). Hosted by BTOB's Yook Sungjae, KINGDOM's Hwon, and IZ*ONE's Yabuki Nako, this is an event you won't want to miss! Date: June 18, 2023 (Sunday) [Part 1 Performance] Doors Open 11:30 / Show Starts 12:30 [Part 2 Performance] Doors Open 17:00 / Show Starts 18:00 Location: Saitama Super Arena(Japan) If you're planning a visit to Japan, don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the best of K-POP! Join us at "2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN" and make unforgettable memories with fellow K-POP fans from around the world. Book your tickets now and let the music bring us all together!  1st Line-up ※ The guests are subject to change. ≪MC≫ YOOK SUNGJAE(BTOB | 육성재 | 陸星材), HWON(훤, フォン), Nako Yabuki(야부키 나코, 矢吹奈子|Nako Yabuki) ≪Artist≫ KIM JAE JOONG(김재중|ジェジュン|J-JUN), KIM JUNSU(김준수 | ジュンス | XIA)​, KINGDOM(킹덤), Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐), ILY:1(아일리원), AIMERS(에이머스), Hi-Fi Un!corn(하이파이 유니콘), JO1(제이오원 | ジェイオーワン 1部公演only / 1nd performance only / 僅第 1 場演出)​, INI(아이엔아이 | アイエヌアイ 1部公演only / 1nd performance only / 僅第 1 場演出), KIM JAEHWAN(김재환), AB6IX(에이비식스)​, CLASS:y(클라씨)​, DXTEEN(2部公演only / 2nd performance only / 僅第 2 場演出) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。    Experience the ultimate K-POP sensation at the epic "DREAM CONCERT," making its grand overseas debut on June 18th at Saitama Super Arena. Join legendary artists and rising stars for a breathtaking showcase you won't want to miss. Secure your spot and be part of this unforgettable event!   [Ticket booth exclusively for foreign visitors] 【Ticket Pickup Time: Part 1 Performance - 10:00~12:30 Part 2 Performance - 16:00~18:00】 Ticket Pickup place Location:  In front of STARBUCKS COFFEE on the 1st floor of Keyaki Hiroba (Keyaki Square)  / Starbucks Coffee - Saitama Shintoshin Look for the designated logos from each ticket sales site on X-banners at the location. Check Trippose.com HERE (Google Map)! Please make sure to exchange your tickets at the designated foreign visitors' ticket booth. ※ Any changes will be announced in advance. ★ Please note that once payment is made, cancellations are not allowed. ★ Cancellations after reservation confirmation will incur a 100% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued, so please be cautious. Your reservation voucher and ID will be checked. (Mobile or printed vouchers are acceptable) ※ Please present your reservation voucher. Email confirmation of reservation alone is not sufficient. ※ Be sure to bring your passport on the day of the event. Date: June 18, 2023 (Sunday) 【1st Show】 Entrance 11:30 / Performance begins 12:30 【2nd Show】 Entrance 17:00 / Performance begins 18:00 Location: Saitama Super Arena(Japan)                     Notice ※ For foreign ticket holders, please ensure to bring a valid ID (passport, alien registration card, or a passport copy along with an ID card issued in your country) to the ticket counter on-site to receive your pre-purchased ticket. ※ Performance times and artists are subject to change due to organizer or performer circumstances. ※ Cancellations after reservation confirmation will incur a 100% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued, so please be cautious. ※ Delays may occur due to performance duration and traffic congestion. ※ Performance details are subject to change without notice due to local conditions. ※ All attendees must bring their original passport on the day of the event. (Korean residents in Japan must present their passport and alien registration certificate) ※ Seating will be determined randomly by the organizer on the day of the event. Seat selection in advance is not available. ※ Bringing food and beverages into the venue is prohibited. (Water is allowed) ※ Bag inspections may be conducted before entering the venue. ※ Neither our company nor the organizer will be held responsible for any lost or stolen tickets after they have been received. (No reissuance of tickets) ※ Performance times and artists may change without prior notice due to various circumstances. ※ Refunds will not be issued for personal health issues or customer convenience, except in the case of performance cancellation. ※ Admission and performance start times are subject to change. ※ Seating will be determined on the day of the event. Please note that seat selection in advance is not possible. ※ If a minor applies, it is assumed that parental consent has been obtained at the time of reservation. ※ This event will be held in strict compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures, following guidelines from the venue and local authorities. ※ The schedule may be altered due to the spread of COVID-19, requests, or guidance from the government, local authorities, and related organizations. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-7359-3255(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 仅在演出当天可联系 / 公演当日のみ連絡可能)

忠淸北道(忠州市) ,

韓國的歲時風俗,是慰勞一年十二個月持續辛勤工作的農人而漸漸形成的傳統。在以務農為主要生計的傳統社會,由於多以村落為單位一同生活,因而衍生出許多團體遊戲與歲時風俗。 一年之中,以農曆正月(1月)有最多風俗習慣。而正月十五元宵節是韓國傳統社會僅次於春節與中秋的一大重要節日,有許多歲時風俗流傳至今。最具代表性的要數「喝耳明酒」、「叫賣暑氣」、「吃藥飯(韓國八寶飯)」、「吃五穀飯」、「咬乾果」、「丟草人」等。此外,正月十五元宵節當天,在農村也會進行如「拔河」、「鬥鼓繩套」、「靈山木牛戰」、「石戰」、「點野火」等眾多團體遊戲。 國立民俗博物館即重現這些風俗與遊戲,讓遊客能親身體驗並進一步認識韓國的正月十五元宵節。

忠清南道(保寧市) ,