首爾(蘆原區) , 首爾東部

陸軍士官學校是一所培養具有較強紀律性和愛國心的士官生的學校。以前這裏不允許遊人參觀,自1997年開始這裏被開闢成了一處新的旅遊景觀。陸軍士官學校向遊人開放的景點從學校導遊處開始,由博物館,紀念館,展覽館等構成。陸軍博物館主要陳列了各種軍事珍品和遺物,通過紀念館可以瞭解到來陸軍士官學校的歷史和學生們的生活情況。 其中最値得看的是士官生的閱兵式,士官生們會穿著禮服舉行花郎儀式。




▲Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2019 Gwangyang (Korean pronunciation: [kwaŋ.jaŋ]) is a city in South Jeolla Province, South Korea. Gwangyang city is the home of POSCO's Gwangyang Steel Works, the largest facility of its kind in the world. The city is also home to K League Classic football side Jeonnam Dragons. Gwangyang is home to many unique natural and cultural sites as well as many different festivals during the four seasons. 最火熱的K-POP舞台  門票將極速售罄 11月來韓國的粉絲 千萬不要錯過   Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2022  2022 光陽K-POPコンサート・フェスティバル観覧ツアー<送迎付き> - Schedule :October 22, 2022 (Saturday) / 19:00-21:00 - Venue :Gwangyang Public Stadium(광양공설운동장) / 695-20, Maecheon-ro, Gwangyang-eup, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do - Host : GWANGYANG CITY / Supervision : POSCO  Line-up  ASTRO(MOONBIN&SANHA)、오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)、펜타곤(PENTAGON)、청하 (CHUNG HA|チョンハ)、시그니처(cignature) 、머스트비(MustB)、코카N버터(CocaNButter / Street Woman Fighter) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。  Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2022 Ticket ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance.※予約 Ground Seat Zone / Random layout : Random! 07:30     Pick up at Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3(※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time.) ▶▷HERE(Google Map)!              ↓             Arrival at Gwangyang, lunch (Lunch and dinner are not included) ↓            Baekal Island tour 16:00    Arrival 17:00    Entering the concert hall  19:00    Enjoy 'Gwangyang K-Pop Festival 2022' 21:30    Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) 01:30    Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3     ★ Amendment & Refund Policy ★ ※Please bring your passport with you. ※ If you cannot board on that day, no refund will be given. ※ It is difficult to give another seat for 1 person. Please understand. ※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time. ※ You may be held liable if you have a problem with your entire tour due to your personal behavior. ※ The vehicle is insured. However, we are not responsible for accidents during individual activities during the tour. ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance. ※ Vehicles are offered for 12, 25, or 45 passengers depending on the number of passengers. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※ Vehicle seat On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※ If you have a passenger, please tell us when you board the vehicle. ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ※ Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.              ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number : +82-10-6787-1516     

Sold Out

1990年,為了宣揚李順臣將軍的護國精神,首爾市花費了22億韓元,委託海軍建造了實際比例一比一的龜甲船。原停泊於漢江市民公園的龜甲船,於2005年11月16日轉移至李順臣將軍取得閑山大捷勝利的統營市進行展示。 * 規模 船長 : 34公尺、甲板長 : 25公尺、甲板寬 : 10公尺 船速 : 約每小時7海浬 船高 : 6公尺 排水量: 185噸 材質 : 木造(底部為FRP) 桅杆長 : 11.5公尺  

首爾(鍾路區) , 市廳・光化門 



Nongol牆巷為江原東海市墨湖港通往墨湖燈塔的上坡路,Nongol 30年前還是盛產魷魚與明太魚的港口村落,但後因漁獲資源枯竭,原本多達2萬餘名的墨湖居民一一離鄉,目前僅剩4千餘名住戶,因此原本熱鬧的Nongol村急速萎縮,淪落為冷清的社區已久。後東海文化院為復甦村落往日活力,向文化體育觀光部申請「墨湖燈塔談畫村Nongol牆巷」企劃,文化專員一一尋訪Nongol村老人,以他們歷經的人生故事為背景,自2010年8月開始於巷弄與圍牆上彩繪圖畫。由美術系出身組成的「公共美術共同體」會員描繪草圖,再由60~70歲的村落老一輩居民負責著色,就此打造出Nongol村的壁畫街。Nongol牆巷以因每日清晨運載滿滿明太魚與魷魚歸航的漁船而充滿朝氣的墨湖港為背景,將居民們的人生故事以有趣地壁畫呈現。 滿滿錶框圖畫的Nongol畫廊是Nongol牆巷的起點,畫廊生動地描繪出壁畫村形成的歷史與過程。



首爾(城東區) , 首爾東部

這家咖啡店完美再現了英國倫敦代表時尚街Carnaby Street氣氛的咖啡店;咖啡店內部展示著像徵自由的摩托車,還有皮衣,安全帽等車手們的用品,饒富趣味。Carnaby Street從白天營業到晚上,白天是一般的咖啡店;但是一到晚上,店家會把多彩的玻璃球燈打開,變身為洋溢著歡快氣氛的PUB,完全呈現和白天不一樣氛圍。 在韓劇《The K2》中,池昌旭為少女時代成員允兒沖泡手工咖啡的場景也是在這裡拍攝的。不只如此,池昌旭本人也是這家店的常客。    


2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN Get ready for the ultimate K-POP experience! Korea's premier K-POP festival, "DREAM CONCERT," is making its grand overseas debut on June 18th at Saitama Super Arena in Japan.  With the heartwarming theme "Hello, My Friends!", the "2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN" aims to unite Korean and Japanese music enthusiasts in a celebration of friendship and harmony through the power of K-POP. This groundbreaking event will feature two spectacular performances in one day, showcasing an incredible lineup of top K-POP artists, including JYJ's Jaejoong (J-JUN), Junsu (JU), Kim Jae Hwan, AB6IX, Dreamcatcher, KINGDOM, AIMERS, Hi-Fi Un!corn, CLASS:y, ILY:1, JO1 (part 1 performance only), INI (part 2 performance only), and DXTEEN (part 2 performance only). Hosted by BTOB's Yook Sungjae, KINGDOM's Hwon, and IZ*ONE's Yabuki Nako, this is an event you won't want to miss! Date: June 18, 2023 (Sunday) [Part 1 Performance] Doors Open 11:30 / Show Starts 12:30 [Part 2 Performance] Doors Open 17:00 / Show Starts 18:00 Location: Saitama Super Arena(Japan) If you're planning a visit to Japan, don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the best of K-POP! Join us at "2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN" and make unforgettable memories with fellow K-POP fans from around the world. Book your tickets now and let the music bring us all together!  1st Line-up ※ The guests are subject to change. ≪MC≫ YOOK SUNGJAE(BTOB | 육성재 | 陸星材), HWON(훤, フォン), Nako Yabuki(야부키 나코, 矢吹奈子|Nako Yabuki) ≪Artist≫ KIM JAE JOONG(김재중|ジェジュン|J-JUN), KIM JUNSU(김준수 | ジュンス | XIA)​, KINGDOM(킹덤), Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐), ILY:1(아일리원), AIMERS(에이머스), Hi-Fi Un!corn(하이파이 유니콘), JO1(제이오원 | ジェイオーワン 1部公演only / 1nd performance only / 僅第 1 場演出)​, INI(아이엔아이 | アイエヌアイ 1部公演only / 1nd performance only / 僅第 1 場演出), KIM JAEHWAN(김재환), AB6IX(에이비식스)​, CLASS:y(클라씨)​, DXTEEN(2部公演only / 2nd performance only / 僅第 2 場演出) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。    Experience the ultimate K-POP sensation at the epic "DREAM CONCERT," making its grand overseas debut on June 18th at Saitama Super Arena. Join legendary artists and rising stars for a breathtaking showcase you won't want to miss. Secure your spot and be part of this unforgettable event!   [Ticket booth exclusively for foreign visitors] 【Ticket Pickup Time: Part 1 Performance - 10:00~12:30 Part 2 Performance - 16:00~18:00】 Ticket Pickup place Location:  In front of STARBUCKS COFFEE on the 1st floor of Keyaki Hiroba (Keyaki Square)  / Starbucks Coffee - Saitama Shintoshin Look for the designated logos from each ticket sales site on X-banners at the location. Check Trippose.com HERE (Google Map)! Please make sure to exchange your tickets at the designated foreign visitors' ticket booth. ※ Any changes will be announced in advance. ★ Please note that once payment is made, cancellations are not allowed. ★ Cancellations after reservation confirmation will incur a 100% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued, so please be cautious. Your reservation voucher and ID will be checked. (Mobile or printed vouchers are acceptable) ※ Please present your reservation voucher. Email confirmation of reservation alone is not sufficient. ※ Be sure to bring your passport on the day of the event. Date: June 18, 2023 (Sunday) 【1st Show】 Entrance 11:30 / Performance begins 12:30 【2nd Show】 Entrance 17:00 / Performance begins 18:00 Location: Saitama Super Arena(Japan)                     Notice ※ For foreign ticket holders, please ensure to bring a valid ID (passport, alien registration card, or a passport copy along with an ID card issued in your country) to the ticket counter on-site to receive your pre-purchased ticket. ※ Performance times and artists are subject to change due to organizer or performer circumstances. ※ Cancellations after reservation confirmation will incur a 100% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued, so please be cautious. ※ Delays may occur due to performance duration and traffic congestion. ※ Performance details are subject to change without notice due to local conditions. ※ All attendees must bring their original passport on the day of the event. (Korean residents in Japan must present their passport and alien registration certificate) ※ Seating will be determined randomly by the organizer on the day of the event. Seat selection in advance is not available. ※ Bringing food and beverages into the venue is prohibited. (Water is allowed) ※ Bag inspections may be conducted before entering the venue. ※ Neither our company nor the organizer will be held responsible for any lost or stolen tickets after they have been received. (No reissuance of tickets) ※ Performance times and artists may change without prior notice due to various circumstances. ※ Refunds will not be issued for personal health issues or customer convenience, except in the case of performance cancellation. ※ Admission and performance start times are subject to change. ※ Seating will be determined on the day of the event. Please note that seat selection in advance is not possible. ※ If a minor applies, it is assumed that parental consent has been obtained at the time of reservation. ※ This event will be held in strict compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures, following guidelines from the venue and local authorities. ※ The schedule may be altered due to the spread of COVID-19, requests, or guidance from the government, local authorities, and related organizations. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-7359-3255(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 仅在演出当天可联系 / 公演当日のみ連絡可能)

濟州道(濟州市) , 中文旅游区
