更新:2020-02-20 15:41:24
2020 SBS kpop Super Concert in Daegu VIP Ticket(*Shuttle bus) 2020 대구 SBS슈퍼콘서트
- 5.0/4
(대구 수성구 유니버시아드로 180 대구종합경기장)
Sold Out
* 100% refund if performance is canceled due to Corona virus issue.
2020 SBS kpop Super Concert in Daegu
2020年3月8日(日)Big Event! 全世界都喜愛的K-POP偶像就在大家眼前!
SBS人氣歌謠超級演唱會in大邱! Trippose.com
超豪華陣容超越您的想像!可選擇從首爾,釜山,大邱往返接送的專用巴士, 非常方便!付款完成之後絕對沒有追加費用!
請放心入門票為1樓位置. 座位不能事先指定, 在當天隨機分派, 請見諒
2020 Daegu SUPER CONCERT Tour – one of the biggest concert this March!
- The best-rated K-pop stars appear
- LIMITED TICKETSwith shuttle serviceBOOK NOW!
The best Korea K-pop stars gathered together.
A Kpop concert you won’t want to miss this year with spectacular performances capturing the eyes and ears of all Kpop fans!
'Trippose.com' has prepared valuableLIMITED TICKETS for our fans, with shuttle service
Best stage of K-POP Super Concert ever!
Seats could be all sold out in minutes!
Event:2020 Daegu Super Concert Tour
Date:Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 7 p.m. -9:30 p.m
Venue:Daegu Stadium(Address : 180, Universiad-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu)
Stay tuned for the next lineup!
續2018年, 2019年的人氣, 今年也將舉辦"2020SBS超級演唱會"。作為全球最受矚目的K-POP演唱會, SBS超級演唱會於2020年首次在韓國的大邱舉行. 以2018年"超級演唱會 IN TAIPEI"為開始成功舉辦, 以及2019 年的"超級演唱會 IN 仁川"之後預計將在 3月 8日(週日)在大邱體育場舉行. 為支援“2020年大邱·觀光年”和“2021世界煤氣會議(WGC)”的成功, “2020 SBS超級演唱會”預定由韓國最受歡迎的偶像們出演. 快來體驗一下全世界K-POP粉絲們一起享受的升級版K-POP慶典吧~♪♪
2019 Line-up : TWICE, N.FLYING, THE BOYZ, AB6IX, NATURE, CIX, Chung Ha, ASTRO, EXO Chen, NCT Dream…
2020 Line-up: BTS Cherry Bullet NCT 127 PENTAGON SF9 THE BOYZ Weki Meki ZICO and more and more
1. Depart from SeoulDeparture after gathering in front of Exit 9 of Myeongdong Station at 12:00 (departure on time) → Waiting for arrival at 16:30 performance hall → Entering at 17:00 performance hall → 19: 00-21: 30 Viewing performance → 21:40-21:50 Board the bus → dismiss after arriving at Myeongdong station at 02:00
2. Depart from Busan
14:00 Departure in front of the Crown Harbor Hotel Collection → Via the Lotte Hotel at 14:20 → Stand by after arriving at the 16:30 performance hall → 17:00 Entrance of the performance hall → 19: 00-21: 30 Viewing performance → 21:40-21:50 Board the bus → 24:00 Disembark after arriving at the written Lotte Hotel / Crown Harbor Hotel Collection
3. Depart from Daegu
15:30, Depart from Daegu, Panwaltan Station (Subway Lines 1 and 2), Exit 2 → Wait at 16:30 after arriving at the theater → 17:00 Enter the theater → 19: 00-21: 30 Viewing performance → 21:40-21:50 Board the bus → Boarding at 22:40, Daegu, Panwaltan Station (Subway Lines 1 and 2) Dissolve after arrival in front of Exit 2
Round-trip busGuide
Concert Admission Ticket
Individual traveler insurance
* 100% refund if performance is canceled due to Corona virus issue.*因新型冠狀病毒演出中斷時,將退還100%的巡回演出費。
※ 公交車準時出發。請在出發前20分鐘到達集合場所出示預約確認書以及護照。(出發前檢查人數。)
※ 僅向預約者告知演唱會當日的緊急聯繫方式。
※ 確定預約後取消會產生100%的取消費。不能以任何原因退款,請註意.
※ 因為旅行費用中不包括餐品,所以請提前準備食物。
* The bus departs on time.
* Please arrive at least 30 minutes before departure time and check the staff.
* Only the reservation person will be notified of the guide emergency contact information on the day of the concert.
* Lunch and dinner are not included. Please use it at your own time at your free time.
* The bus departs on time.
* Please arrive at least 20 minutes before departure time and check the staff.
* Only the reservation person will be notified of the guide emergency contact information on the day of the concert.
* Lunch and dinner are not included. Please use it at your own time at your free time.
※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。
※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。
※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。
※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。
※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。
※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。
※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。
※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。
※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가)
※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다.
※Cancellation policy: non-refundable
商品種類 | 普通報價 | Trippose報價 |
VIP Standing Round-trip bus from Seoul(Sold Out) | 226 USD | |
VIP Standing Round-trip bus from Busan(Sold Out) | 212 USD | |
VIP Standing Round-trip bus from Daegu(Sold Out) | 198 USD | |
1st floor VIP ground seat Round-trip bus from Seoul | 80 USD | |
1st floor VIP ground seat Round-trip bus from Busan | 76 USD | |
1st floor VIP ground seat Round-trip bus from Daegu | 62 USD |
Sold Out
2020.02.07 14:17
2020.02.17 17:41