首爾(麻浦區) , 汝矣島・永登浦・麻浦

全世界一起同樂,亞洲最大的廣電文化節DMC慶典,在首爾上岩DMC盛大舉行。 DMC慶典是MBC所舉辦的韓流文化慶典,展現了其身為韓流文化創造者的強烈企圖心。現場將有10多個音樂表演、頒獎典禮、明星展、電視節目體驗館等精彩活動,每天都令人驚喜連連。 已躋身世界韓流地標的上岩DMC,在DMC慶典期間連續11天進行各式各樣的電視文化活動,邀請所有人前來同樂。


濟州櫻花主要盛開於西歸浦市區、綜合競技場等島內區域,是櫻花中花瓣最大、最嬌豔欲滴而令人賞心悅目的。尤其以濟州當地的自生種來說,只要 2~3天的時間就能盛開。一般來說賞櫻慶典主要是在3月底至4月初舉行,一直到4月中旬為止都還能看到櫻花盛開的美景。以櫻花遍布滿山的道路為背景,再搭配上美麗的音樂聲為春季櫻花慶典帶來更多動人之處。

京畿道(高陽市) , 一山

 韓國高陽花卉博覽會於每年4月在一山湖水公園內的高陽花卉展覽館內舉行。 本次活動是一次花卉貿易專門博覽會,將展示花卉栽培的新技術和新品種,嶄新的展示方法和全新的空間表現,使春天更加絢麗奪目。國外7個國家的10家企業以及國內70多家企業參與博覽會,可以觀賞到很多平時見不到的新奇的品種。活動以開幕式為開始,有各種花卉展覽、花卉特講與研討會、茶花比賽等活動,還有遊客親身參與的畫花比賽、賽詩會等活動。 高陽世界花卉博覽會的舉辦場所一山湖水公園週邊的景色秀麗,來此散步的人們很多。



首爾(松坡區) , 蠶室(樂天世界)

為紀念樂天世界塔開幕,特別於2017年4月2日的晚間7點半至9點半舉辦樂天世界塔煙火節。 式前活動請到DJ DOC、洪真英、無伴奏合唱團AcappellaDIA、鬆坡區立交響樂團、鬆坡區立少年少女合唱團,於蠶室路特設舞臺帶來精彩的慶祝表演 自晚上9點開始,會於樂天世界塔進行長約11分鐘的音樂煙火秀,施放3萬多發煙火點亮首爾的夜空。同時也會搭配爵士樂、流行樂等8首樂曲,在石村湖西湖進行音樂煙火秀,帶來視覺與聽覺的饗宴。 煙火秀結束後,現場還會進行小遊戲與贈獎活動 詳細資訊請參考網站(www.lwt.co.kr/fireworks.do)





京畿道(高陽市) , 一山

韓國電視劇的年度頒獎典禮! APAN Star Awards原韓文名為大田電視劇節,於韓國大田廣域市舉辦。自2016年韓文改名為亞太明星頒獎典禮,於MBC上岩文化廣場舉辦。其首屆頒獎典禮名稱為“K-Drama Star Awards”,自第二屆起更名為“APAN Star Awards”,頒發給韓國電視劇的一個年度頒獎典禮。 APAN Star Awards頒發各類型電視劇獎項,首先是OTT串流平台入圍的電視劇獎項,金秀賢、劉亞仁、李政宰、任時完、丁海寅將角逐OTT電視劇視帝寶座,金秀賢在全劇僅6集的《》上演監獄求生記,慘烈演技令觀眾印像深刻! 由大田文化產業機構舉辦的《2022 APAN STAR AWARDS》(亞太明星頒獎典禮)將在9月29日(週四)於京畿道一山的KINTEX舉行,該頒獎典禮自2012年開始至今年迎來了第八屆。今日官方公開入圍名單,以2021年3月至2022年7月播出的作品為對像,還首次為OTT戲劇作品設立獎項,多部口碑作品皆入圍,獎項競爭超激烈啊!  Event Outline ※ The above schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances. Schedule : The 8th APAN Star Awards(VVIP Ticket + Red Carpet)  / 9. 29(Thur) / Red carpet 18:00, Main event 20:00 Venue : Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) (킨텍스) / VVIP Seat(Random) *MC:丁一宇&權俞利 *入圍作品 鱿魚遊戲、頂樓、DP、我的名字、地獄、文森佐、都市酒鬼女人們、我們的佈魯斯、我的解放日誌、解讀惡之心的人們、二十五二十一、機智的醫生生活 ​(2021年3月-2022年7月作品) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。    The 8th APAN Star Awards(VVIP Ticket) + Red carpet + BUS (Seoul↔KINTEX)  APAN STAR AWARDS 演員和愛豆紅毯+頒獎 ※請準時到達。 如果您遲到,將被視為未入住。※超過出發時間會對他人造成影響所以一定要在時間內搭乘。最少在20分鐘前到達。 ※預約時,一定要留可以在現在所在地可以聯繫到的聯繫方式。 ※日程表僅供參考, 可能會根據當地情況有所變化。 ※如果因交通狀況而導致意外延誤,請耐心等待 ※請準時到達。 如果您遲到,將被視為未入住。 ※在現場按先後順序分配座位(不可指定座位) ※有同行者的情況,請在現場搭乘時告知。 ※在搭乘車輛前確認預約證明和身份證(手機,打印證明 可能) ※一定要出示證明。不可以出示預約郵件 *16:00  地鐵4號線 明洞站 3號出口 出發 / 명동역 3번출구 출발 ▶▷HERE! *17:00   Arrival / Entering the concert hall / VVIP Zone(Random) + Red carpet *18:00  Enjoy 'Red carpet' *19:00 The 8th APAN Star Awards(VVIP 席) + KPOP  *22:00  回程接駁巴士點(※註意:如不準時搭乘巴士,巴士將直接離開!!) *23:00 地鐵4號線 明洞站 3號出口 *Includes 入場費, 導遊, 車輛費用(單程), 交通費用, 當天使用之停車費、道路費、油費, 司機餐飲費用, 票費用 *Excludes 保險, 飲食費, 個人消費, 以上未提及消費 *丁海寅獲APAN STAR AWARDS 2022提名 *最佳男演員提名—丁海寅 *D. P提名:最佳導演-韓俊熙OTT 最佳男主角-丁海寅 優秀演技獎,OTT繫列演員-郭京萬         Instagram에서 이 게시물 보기                       APAN Star Awards(@apanstarawards_official)님의 공유 게시물   Nominees 【2022第8屆APAN Star Awards完整入圍名單】 *最佳作品獎 : 《鱿魚遊戲》《衣袖紅鑲邊》《我的出走日記》《我們的藍調時光》《非常律師禹英禑》 *導演獎 : 金熙元《黑道律師文森佐》劉仁植《非常律師禹英禑》鄭智仁《衣袖紅鑲邊》韓俊熙《D.P逃兵追緝令》黃東赫《鱿魚遊戲》 *編劇獎 : 金瑉錫《少年法庭》盧熙京《我們的藍調時光》文智媛《非常律師禹英禑》樸惠英《我的出走日記》鄭海麗《衣袖紅鑲邊》 *OTT劇-男子最優秀演技獎 : 金秀賢《某一天》劉亞仁《地獄公使》李政宰《鱿魚遊戲》任時完《Tracer》丁海寅《D.P逃兵追緝令》 *OTT劇-女子最優秀演技獎 : 金高銀《柔美的細胞小將》2季 金成玲《既然這樣就去青瓦台》金憓秀《少年法庭》裴秀智《安娜》韓韶禧《以吾之名》 ★Best Supporting Actor★ Park Ji-hwan — Our Blues Choi Young-joon — Our Blues Yoon Kyung-ho — My Name Yoon Byung-hee — Vincenzo Heo Sung-tae — Squid Game ★Best Supporting Actress★ Kim Shin-rok — Hellbound Kim Ji-hyun — Thirty-Nine Baek Ji-won — Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Anna Lee El — My Liberation Notes Cha Ji-yeon — Taxi Driver ★Drama of the Year★ The Red Sleeve (MBC TV) My Liberation Notes (JTBC) Squid Game (Netflix) Extraordinary Attorney Woo (ENA) Our Blues (tvN) ★Top Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries★ Kim Tae-ri — Twenty-Five Twenty-One Park Eun-bin — Extraordinary Attorney Woo and The King's Affection Seo Hyun-jin — Why Her Shin Min-a — Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha and Our Blues Honey Lee — One the Woman ★Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries★ Rowoon — The King's Affection Son Seok-gu — My Liberation Notes Ahn Hyo-seop — Lovers of the Red Sky and Business Proposal Jin Seon-kyu — Through the Darkness Choi Woo-shik — Our Beloved Summer ★Top Excellence Award, Actor in an OTT Drama★ Kim Soo-hyun — One Ordinary Day Yoo Ah-in — Hellbound Lee Jung-jae — Squid Game Im Si-wan — Tracer Jung Hae-in — D.P. ★Top Excellence Award, Actress in an OTT Drama★ Kim Go-eun — Yumi's Cells Kim Sung-ryung — Political Fever Kim Hye-soo — Juvenile Justice Bae Suzy — Anna Han So-hee — My Name     ★ Amendment & Refund Policy ★ ※該路線不包含餐飲。 ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※一定要攜帶護照。 ※當天沒有搭乘的情況,不可以退款。 ※一人一座外,很難提供保管行李的座位。請諒解。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※為了不給他人帶來影響,請跟隨導遊的指示。請一定遵守車輛搭乘時間及集合時間。 ※因個人行為對全體遊覽造成問題時,會追究責任。 ※車輛已加入保險。但是,不對遊覽中,在個別活動中發生的事故負責。 ※如果因交通狀況而導致意外延誤,請耐心等待 ※請準時到達。 如果您遲到,將被視為未入住。 ※此行程需要很多步行時間,請穿著舒適的鞋子。​ ※取消政策 : 預約完成後不可取消,取消違約金為100%。                     ※緊急聯繫電話:+82-10-6787-1516                     ※預約時請記入韓國可聯繫方式 (手機號 or 微信號 or LINE ID)  ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※取消政策:不可退款 ​ ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable​ ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516         

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首爾(麻浦區) , 弘大



▲ SEOUL MUSIC AWARDS 2023 | Official Spot   Ignite Your Passion for K-Pop: Grab Your Ticket to the Seoul Music Awards – Where Stars Align! Seize the Moment: Experience K-Pop's Finest at the Seoul Music Awards in Bangkok! Feel the Beat of K-Pop Royalty: Join the Celebration at the 33rd Seoul Music Awards! Witness K-Pop History: Secure Your Spot at the Unforgettable Seoul Music Awards Spectacle! Experience the pinnacle of K-pop excellence at the 33rd Seoul Music Awards, a grand celebration taking place on January 2, 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand. Organized by the Seoul Music Awards Committee and hosted by Sports Seoul, this event is not just an awards ceremony; it's a historic milestone, being held overseas for the first time ever. This is more than a ceremony – it's a symbol of Korean pop music's soaring global influence and a testament to its ever-growing appeal in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand. The Seoul Music Awards is where the heart of K-pop beats the loudest. It's where the best of the best in Korea's music industry converge, engaging in a vibrant contest across various categories to honor the year's most successful and beloved artists. This event isn't just about recognizing achievements; it's a showcase of the dynamic and diverse nature of K-pop. Adding to the excitement, the event features an impressive lineup of hosts: Lee Seung-gi, marking his 20th year in the industry, and GOT7's BamBam and Youngjae, reuniting for this special occasion. BamBam, with his immense popularity in Thailand, and Youngjae, fresh off his solo venture and known for his charismatic radio hosting, promise to bring a unique energy to the stage. Tiffany Young from Girls' Generation, the epitome of 2nd generation K-pop royalty, completes this stellar hosting lineup. Her international acclaim and her ability to engage audiences in both English and Korean make her a perfect fit for this global event. The Seoul Music Awards, a prestigious event since 1990, is more than an awards night; it's a cultural phenomenon that has shaped and propelled K-pop to global heights. This year's event, with its exciting lineup, prestigious awards, and a gathering of the finest in K-pop, is an unmissable occasion for fans worldwide. It's a celebration of Korean music's past, present, and future, a true centerpiece of the Hallyu wave, offering an immersive experience of the vibrancy and charm of K-pop. This is where legends are made, and memories are created – an event that every K-pop fan should aspire to witness.          33rd Seoul Music Awards Line-up: BAMBAM(뱀뱀), KANG DANIEL(강다니엘), KISS OF LIFE(키스 오브 라이프), STAYC(스테이씨), YOUNGJAE(영재, GOT7), NCT DREAM(엔시티 드림), RIIZE(라이즈), ZEROBASEONE(ZB1 · 제로베이스원 · ゼロベースワン), TIFFANY YOUNG(티파니 영), Sandara Park(산다라박), NMIXX(엔믹스), Additional lineup to be announced ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 ※Only individuals of foreign nationality aged 15 and above are eligible for purchase. Tickets will be released upon verification of your passport or Alien Registration Card (ARC).   2024 Seoul Music Awards in Bangkok (SMA 33rd Ticket) GO TOUR x Trippose.com Thailand Rajamangala National Stadium(태국 라자망칼라 국립경기장) *Address: 286 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 24 Yaek 18, Hua Mak, Bang Kapi District, Bangkok 10240, Thailand ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 僅在演出當天可聯繫 / 公演當日のみ連絡可能) ※ Regarding ticket collection: If the location of the ticket booth changes, we will notify you on this page. Please ensure to check in advance on the day of your visit. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. ※Please look for the ticket booth designated for foreigners with the "Trippose.com" logo attached. *Ticket booth hours  12:00 - 14:00(Local time) *Entrance time: 16:00(Local time) [Ticket booth only for the foreigner] -you can check change your ticket the each vendor site with X-banner logo(Trippose.com). HERE(Google Map)! -Change your ticket at the designated at the foreigner exclusive ticket booth certainly.  ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed​ *How to Receive : Please present reservation confirmation mobile voucher after reservation voucher, identification (passport or ID card) and distribution. / Appointment E-mail not available. *Note : You will not be able to enter the concert after the closing time of the concert, so please observe the ticket receipt time and arrive in advance so that there will be no disruption in your position. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable​   Notice * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport or at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.           ​※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked.  ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue.  ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※Check your voucher and ID before boarding the vehicle. (Mobile, printed voucher available) ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed​ ※ Please note that tickets for this event are non-refundable and cannot be canceled for any reason. We do not accept inquiries regarding refunds. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 僅在演出當天可聯繫 / 公演當日のみ連絡可能)

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