
‘大邱炸雞啤酒節’在大邱達西區頭流公園開展,有50余處酒類業主參與,設有150余個試吃區,將開展快速和啤酒大會等有特色的體驗項目。對於完成成人認證的參加者進行免費的啤酒試喝。‘2019大邱炸雞啤酒嘉年華’是以深受全國民喜愛的炸雞和啤酒為主題,7月17日至21日[5天]在最激情的城市大邱! 達句伐舉行。2016年訪客人數達到100萬人次以上,宣傳效果和慶典發展性已經得到了證明,估計會成長為韓國代表產業和文化融合為一的慶典。 該活動將在頭流棒球場、228停車場、戶外音樂廳、戶外遊泳場等頭流公園一帶舉行,為人們平淡的生活註入新的活力與激情。 - 行程介紹 - 準備好大口吃雞,大口喝酒了嗎? 韓國大邱的年度慶典-炸雞啤酒節即將在7月於頭流公園盛大展開! 大邱是韓國各大炸雞連鎖品牌的發源地,造就了炸雞王國的美名 現場除了有各種不同的炸雞配啤酒攤位,還有超夯韓流天團帶來的精採表演 吃炸雞、喝啤酒,欣賞韓國歐爸歐逆的熱力演出,幸福感爆棚! 愛吃韓式炸雞的朋友,千萬別錯過這場青春洋溢的活力慶典 ・大邱炸雞啤酒節是以韓國人喜愛的炸雞與啤酒為主題的慶典, 活動自7月17日至21日為止,一連5天在最熱的城市,盛大舉行! ・2015年單一活動就吸引了88萬人參加,2016年100萬人 成功的宣傳使大邱炸雞啤酒節漸漸發展為韓國代表慶典之一 今年將於頭流棒球場、228停車場、戶外音樂堂、頭流公園路等頭流公園一帶 以各種豐富活動為市民與遊客帶來青春活力的慶典 - 活動地址 - ・頭流公園 , 36 , Gongwonsunhwan-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu (대구광역시 달서구 공원순환로 36) Be ready to join one of the most epic festivals in South Korea! Get your tickets to the Daegu Chimac Festival 2019 with this package! The exciting celebration is an annual chicken and beer event held at Duryu Park every July in Daegu. Fill your tummy with delicious friend chicken which the city is famous for. See the opening performers start the festival with an energy that will set the mood for the day. Watch the best artists of the year perform while munching on the tasty chickens and beers. The festival is open to visitors of all ages but beer, which takes up half of the festival, is strictly limited to those who are of legal age. This is undoubtedly a festival that you just can't miss during your trip to Korea! ★The event is coming back again from 17 ,19~20 July 2019. The HOTTEST CITY, THE BEST FESTIVAL in DAEGU.  ★With over 880,000 visitors in 2015, and one million visitors during the festival of 2016.Daegu Chimac Festival becomes one of the most iconic party in Korea Summer!  K-POP, outdoor party, numbers of signature events. Grab your beer and join our party in July 2019! *2017 LINE UP : MAMAMOO, Microdot, San E, Kisum, Skull & HAHA *2018 LINE UP : Min Kyung Hoon(Buzz), Dynamicduo, BewhY, Microdot, Nucksal *2019 LINE UP : ???       DAEGU CHIMAC FESTIVAL+KPOP 1DAY TOUR  【TKDG-S1】 *Departure Date:2019.07.17, 19, 20    08:00 : Seoul Station(*2F) Mcdonald's meeting (서울역 2층 맥도날드 앞 미팅) 08:50 : ITX(1031) (Free Chicken and Beer) (ITX(1031) 기차 탑승 (왕복결재))  12:20 : Arrive East Daegu Station (동대구역 하차)  13:00~14:00 : Daegu Seomun Market + Free Lunch (Not Included) (대구 서문시장 재례시장 - 자유 점심)  14:30~16:30 : Daegu City Tour (대구 시내 관광 투어) 17:00 : Arrive 2019 DAEGU CHIMAC FESTIVAL (치맥 페스티벌 오픈 / 행사장 도착) 19:00~21:00 : KPOP Concert (KPOP 콘서트) 22:00 : Board KTX 262 to Seoul (KTX(262) 기차탑승) 23:50 : Arrive at Seoul Station (서울역 하차 및 투어 종료) 08:00 : 首爾站2樓 麥當勞前集合 (서울역 2층 맥도날드 앞 미팅)  08:50 : 搭乘火車(ITX 1031) 前往大邱 (ITX(1031) 기차 탑승 (왕복결재)) 12:20 : 東大邱站下車 (동대구역 하차)  13:00~14:00 : 大邱 西門傳統市場 +自由午餐 (대구 서문시장 재례시장 - 자유 점심) ▶MORE 14:30~16:30 : 大邱市內觀光 (대구 시내 관광 투어)  17:00 : 抵達炸雞啤酒節活動現場 (치맥 페스티벌 오픈 / 행사장 도착) 19:00~21:00 : KPOP演唱會 (KPOP 콘서트) 22:00 : 搭乘火車返回首爾 (KTX(262) 기차탑승) 23:50 : 首爾站解散 (서울역 하차 및 투어 종료) *包含 工作人員/觀光接駁巴士/火車票/火車內供應炸雞啤酒! *KPOP演唱會門票為免費提供 *費用包含 : 工作人員費用 / 來回車票費 / 車內炸雞試吃費用 *費用不包含 :  個人費用 / 個人保險 *Included : Guide / Shuttle Bus / Train Ticket / Free Chicken and Beer *Non-Include : Personal expenses / Travel insurance *Free tickets sponsored by KTOHK *This ticket is only for foreigners. If you pickup the tickets shuold bring along the passport. *This ticket is non-designsted seat. The ticket will give to you on that day after confirm the identity. *Your booking will be canceled if you book a ticket with an illegal way such as using a macro program. *If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. *The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of this, your view will be blocked. *For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue. *If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff.  *If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare.      

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西便制寶城清唱藝術節是一個通過在全國展開板索裡及高手競賽大會等,發掘人才的藝術慶典。 板索裡是聯合國教科文組織指定的非物質文化遺產,寶城清唱藝術節為板索裡的傳承發展以及普及做出了很大努力,不僅如此,慶典期間還準備了男女老少皆宜的多種活動項目。


2000年開發的日林山杜鵑是韓國最大的杜鵑花群落。與成人個頭相當的杜鵑花,迎著海風生長,花色鮮紅分明。登上日林上頂峰,可以眺望到無等山(1,186.8m),帝岩山(807m),天冠山(723m),月出山(809m),八影山(609m)等全南地區名山盛景。 向北望去,層層疊疊的山脈中間若隱若現的村莊、烽火台、蟾津江600余裡的水源地,韓國最大的綠茶田,懷揣著無數傳說的龍湫瀑佈,韓國最大的山杜鵑群落等盡收眼底,感受日林山的歷史和文化底蘊,堪稱南道的名山。

首爾(江南區) , 江南・三成(COEX)

【Instant confirmation】2024 Baeksang Arts Awards Tickets Package ◀◁◀◁​   5/1(週三)開幕!韓國代表性綜合藝術大賞 Baeksang Arts Awards  5/1(週三)COEX3層,D禮堂開幕!  過去一年間,韓國電影,電視劇,藝能等綜合性頒獎典禮  近距離觀看藝人的VIP席門票 第55屆百想藝術獎頒獎典禮是自1965年以來舉辦的具有歷史性和權威性的電視劇,電影和娛樂的綜合性頒獎典禮。這一年聚集了許多為韓國演藝增色的明星,每年都會舉行的頒獎儀式。對韓國電影、電視劇、娛樂節目感興趣的朋友,可以近距離觀看電影中的演員陣容!為您安排VIP席,會更加感受到頒獎典禮的現場氣氛。預訂第55屆百想藝術大獎頒獎儀式門票,度過難忘的時光。 百想藝術大賞頒獎禮 【頒獎部門】 電影:大獎、作品獎、最優秀演技獎(男女)、助演獎(男女)、人氣獎(男女)、新人演技獎(男女)、特別獎(男女)等TV:大獎、作品獎、最優秀演技獎(男女)、助演獎(男女)、人氣獎(男女)、新人演技獎(男女)、特別獎(男女)藝能獎(男女)等 【第55回百想藝術大賞頒獎禮】 2019年5月1日(週三) 21:00 開始進行時間:120分~150分 場所:COEX   D禮堂     5/1(三) 第55屆 百想藝術大賞 頒獎禮 18 : 00~    售票亭換票(三樓入口前) 20 : 00    入場開始 21 : 00~    第55屆 百想藝術大賞頒獎禮 開始 23 : 30    典禮結束 ■換取門票時必需 護照、預約確認書(Vocher) ※18:00以後、3層入口前的售票處換取即可。(售票處運營時間/18:00~21:00) ※預約確認書一張多名預約時,請務必攜帶人數份的護照,出示。 ※満滿8歲以上方可入場。 ※由於JTBC會進行現場直播的關繫,頒獎儀式開始後會有部分限制入場和退場。 ※會場裡沒有行李寄存處。 ※無法指定座位。  ■會場(COEX D禮堂)​ COEX3層的位置 地鐵2號線・三成站 5・6號出口 地鉄9號線・奉恩寺站 7號出口   座席表 ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。 ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다.a ※콘서트 티켓은 한국관광공사 무료제공 및 배포 되며, 투어금액은 왕복차량, 인솔가이드, 투어 패키지가 합산된 금액입니다.  ※取消政策:不可退款   

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光州 SUPER CONCERT 一天團 / Gwangju x SBS Super Concert 2019 第一波確認陣容: BTS,MOMOLAND,IZ*ONE,N.FLYING,NATURE 2019 光州 SUPER CONCERT 一天團  – 4月份最受矚目的KPOP 演唱會 - 韓國最具人氣歌手及組合 - 限量名額配備接駁巴士交通安排,立即預約! 聚集韓國極具人氣歌手的一場K-POP演唱會 身為K-POP粉絲的你 絕對不容錯過! 親身在現在感受偶像的熾熱演出吧! 對身為外國粉絲的你 絕對是可以近距離親眼目睹偶像的大好機會  'Trippose.com' 已為大家保留限量名額配備接駁巴士 最火熱的K-POP舞台  門票將極速售罄 4月來韓國的粉絲 千萬不要錯過 活動名稱: 2019 光州 Super Concert 一天團 日期: 2019年 04月 28日 (星期日) 晚上 7時 場地: 光州世界杯競技場 請繼續緊貼 'Trippose.com' 留意最新公佈陣容  日程表 光州 SUPER CONCERT + 來回接駁巴士一天團【TKGJ-SBS01】  * 表演地點:光州 世界杯競技場 * 2019.4.28 星期日 出發 ★所有預約一經確認,不可取消 10:00:明洞3號出口集合 (명동역3번출구 미팅) 13:00:全州韓屋村 自由觀光 (전주 한옥마을 자유관광) ※午餐不包含, 在全州韓屋村自費午餐 (점심 자유식)     14:30:出發前往光州 (광주로 출발) 16:00:抵達SBS光州KPOP演唱會場地 (SBS 광주 슈퍼콘서트 도착)  19:00:光州 SUPER CONCERT 演唱會 開始 (콘서트 시작)  22:30 : 演唱會結束後 乘坐回程巴士 (콘서트 종료후 버스탑승)  02:00 : 明洞站解散 (명동역하차)  02:00 : 弘大站解散 (홍대역하차)  ※門票由韓國觀光公社免費提供 (콘서트 티켓은 한국관광공사 무료제공 및 배포) ※當天沒有搭乘的情況,不可以退款。 一人一座外,很難提供保管行李的座位。請諒解。 ※為了不給他人帶來影響,請跟隨導遊的指示。請一定遵守車輛搭乘時間及集合時間。 ※因個人行為對全體遊覽造成問題時,會追究責任。 ※車輛已加入保險。但是,不對遊覽中,在個別活動中發生的事故負責。 ※行程及時間有機會受出發日交通情況影響, 並以司機導遊的專業決定作準. 司機導遊會盡量以不影響行程完成度為前提為客人完成行程 ★包含事項 1. 觀光入場費 2. 司機/小費 3. 車輛費用/油費/道路費 ★不包含事項 1. 個人費用 2. 個人保險 ★2019年 光州 SUPER CONCERT 第一波公佈陣容(Ground Seat Random)   現場集合地點及回程巴士上車點 ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。 ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다.a ※콘서트 티켓은 한국관광공사 무료제공 및 배포 되며, 투어금액은 왕복차량, 인솔가이드, 투어 패키지가 합산된 금액입니다.  ※取消政策:不可退款  ★包含事項 1. 觀光入場費 2. 司機/小費 3. 車輛費用/油費/道路費 ★不包含事項 1. 個人費用 2. 個人保險

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首爾(麻浦區) , 汝矣島・永登浦・麻浦

​ ​ ABOUT 2018 DREAM CONCERT 1995年開始到2018年一直有當代最好的K-POP歌手們相伴的夢想演唱會是已經累計 有126萬名觀眾和464個團隊歌手們參與的韓國最具代表性的K-POP演出.夢想演唱會 不僅是每年粉絲們最為期待的演唱會,還被評價為是K-POP明星們選出的最為光榮的舞台, 也逐漸成為新人歌手們的成名舞台. 將於5月18日舉辦的2019夢想演唱會也會與K-POP歌手們一起為粉絲們獻上豐富的附帶活動, 將會通過不一樣的節目構成和多樣的演出來滿足廣大粉絲的期待. ​   Direction / 來訪路線 *Performance Name : I love Korea 2019 Dream Concert *Date & Time : May 18th(Sat.) 2019: 6PM ※ The show time could be a bit changed in accordance with the site condition. *Place : Seoul World Cup Stadium(Sangam) *Host : Korea Entertainment Producers' Association *Sponsor : Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd, Hyundai Construction Equipment Co., Ltd, Hyundai Electric & Energy System Co., Ltd *Special Sponsor : Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Korea Creative Content Agency *Supporter : K Star Group Co., Ltd *Supervising Broadcaster : SBS Plus *演出名稱 : 2019夢想演唱會 *日期 : 2019年 5月 18日(週六) 下午6點 ※ 根據現場情況,演出開始時間可能會發生變動. *場所 : 首爾世界杯運動場(上岩) *主辦 : (私)韓國演藝制作人協會 *後援 : 現代Oil Bank(株), 現代建築機械(株), 現代電子&能源(株) *特別後援 : 文化體育觀光部, 韓國文化振興院   DREAM CONCERT ARTIST LINE UP It’s world festival in the year.  Will many korea singer join this super live concert.  Grasp your golden chance to feel the Korean LIVE show! *2018 DREAM CONCERT ARTIST LINE UP TAEMIN / RED VELVET / SEVENTEEN / NCT(2018, U, 127, DREAM) / LOVELYZ / GFRIEND / MAMAMOO / ASTRO / 24K / HALO / BIGFLO / DIA / UNB / UNI.T / MXM / THE BOYZ / DREAMCATCHER / fromis_9 / TRCNG / Golden Child / MYTEEN / IN2IT / LIPBUBBLE / SHA SHA / IZ / RAINZ *2019 DREAM CONCERT ARTIST LINE UP TAEMIN, Red Velvet, SEVENTEEN, NCT DREAM, Nam Woo Hyun, Jung Il Hoon, MAMAMOO, HA SUNG WOON, AB6IX, OH MY GIRL, CLC, THE BOYZ, DIA, Golden Child, KIM DONG HAN, N.Flying, JBJ95, (G)I-DLE, TRCNG, 1THE9, Kim Tae Woo, Park Bom, Hong Jin Yeong, Clon, and more! *2018 DREAM CONCERT MC LINE UP Yoon Si Yoon / Ser Ina / Cha Eunwoo(ASTRO) *2019 DREAM CONCERT MC LINE UP Leeteuk(Super Junior), So Min Jeon, Gongchan(B1A4)   Dream Concert 2019 Standing Zone  + Musical Fireman Show Ticket ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed   ​ ​ *Seoul World Cup Stadium / 首爾世界杯體育場 (서울월드컵경기장) 位置 : 首爾特別市麻浦區世界杯路240號(城山洞) /서울특별시 마포구 월드컵로 240 (성산동) [Subway] World Cup Stadium Station (Seoul Subway Line 6), Exit 1 or 2. [Bus] Get off at Seoul World Cup Stadium Bus Stop Blue Bus 271, 571 Green Bus 6715, 7714, 7715  Red Bus 9711 區域間大眾交通  地鐵3號線Yeonsinnae站 - 431路小區巴士 - 麻浦農水產市場下車 地鐵2號線新村站 - 13-1路小區巴士 - 麻浦農水產市場下車  新村現代百貨店前361路市內巴士 *The standing ticket is for the standing zone on the ground floor near the stage. ​ 12:00 - 14:00:'Dream Concert 2019 Standing Zone  + Musical Fireman Show Ticket' voucher redemption ※Ticket redeeption: ①TIPPOSE Ticket box / Ticket Booth Entry starts at 2:00 pm and for standing seats. Please enter in order by following staffs' guidance. In case when the schedule is changed, it will be notified in the homepage. ※The notice time could be also changed by the site condition. 18:00 - 21:00 Dream Concert 2019 ​​ 2018 DREAM CONCERT INFORMATION 01 Entry starts at 2:00 pm and for standing seats and ground area entry starts at 3:00 pm. Please enter in order by following staffs' guidance. In case when the schedule is changed, it will be notified in the homepage. ※The notice time could be also changed by the site condition. 02 This performance is operated in the system of one-seat per person, so that you should be seated on the designated seat. 03 The performance will be lasting about three hours, which could be changed by the site condition. 04 After the admission is completed, the entry/exit to outside or re-entry is not allowed. Please enter the event hall by ten minutes before the performance starts. In case when arriving after the performance has started, the admission could be limited or you may not be able to view the performance from the designated seat. 05 All the items that could disturb the performance viewing like camera, selfie stick, portable chair, and ladder cannot be brought inside. There could be warning or restricting actions by staffs during performance. 06 Based on ⌜The Act on Anti-Terrorism for the Protection of Citizens and Public Security ⌟, a metal detector is scheduled to be installed for a security search. Thank you for your co-operation so that the audience could enter there swiftly. 07 Supply rooms will be available in an event hall. They can be used from noon at the day until 11:00 p. m. The cost for keeping articles is KRW 2,000 and the one for re-keeping article is KRW 1,000. 08 Please avoid behaviors that could interrupt others' viewing. In case when the performance viewing is interrupted excessively, there could be such intensive restrictions/actions like forcible leaving. 09 Except for drinking water, other beverages or food cannot be brought inside of the event hall. 10 Please avoid behaviors that could interrupt others' viewing. In case when the performance viewing is interrupted excessively, there could be such intensive restrictions/actions like forcible leaving. 11 As this event hall is not a specialized theater, there could be safety incidents when moving to the event hall. On top of following staffs' guidance, please be careful not to have any safety incidents while viewing the performance. 12 There is no personal parking space in the event hall. So please use the public transportation. 01 觀眾席立場從下午兩點開始,草運動場觀眾席 立場從下午三點開始。 請大家跟著典禮官的引導下秩序井然地入場。假如改點的話,就提示在我們網頁上 因此請大家註意看我們網頁上的貼子。*但,註意隨著現場情況下能改點與提示時間。​ 02 本演出為1人1座位,除了指定的座位外不能換到其它座位。 03 演出時間約為3小時,根據現場情況可能會發生變動。 04 入場後不能走到外部,也不能重新入場,請在演出開始的10分鐘前入場。演出開始後到達時,可能無法入場,也不能坐到指定的座位。 05 禁止攜帶相機、自拍杆、板凳、梯子等影響觀看演出的一切物品,工作人員會採取警告、制止等措施。 06 根據⌜國民保護和公共安全相關的防恐法⌟,活動場所內將安裝金屬探測器來進行安全檢查. 為了觀眾的迅速的入場,望大家積極配合. 07 除了飲用水之外,演出場內不能帶入其他飲料及食物。 08 限制攜帶瓶子、爆竹、激光等危險物品和寵物、花環、氣球等物品。 09 除了飲用水之外,演出場內不能帶入其他飲料及食物。 10 演出場所沒有停車空間。請利用公共交通工具。 10 演出場所沒有停車空間。請利用公共交通工具。 10 請不要做出影響其他觀眾的行為。如果嚴重影響演出的觀看,會採取驅逐出場等措施。 11 由於本場地並不是專門的演出場,移動時有可能發生安全事故。請在工作人員的帶領下移動,觀眾要註意個人安全。 12 演出場所沒有停車空間。請利用公共交通工具。 * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.              ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked.  ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue.  ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。 ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※取消政策:不可退款    ​ ​   ​ ​   ​ ​

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首爾(松坡區) , 蠶室(樂天世界)

△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲Gaon Chart Music Awards Tickets - K-pop 2020  △▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲ 8th GAONCHART MUSIC AWARDS '5th Gaon Chart K-pop Awards Highlight' ©GAON Chart YOUTUBE.COM ※取消政策:不可退款  ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 8th Gaon Chart Music Awards Reveals Award Categories And Nominees The Gaon Chart K-Pop Awards, is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea by the national music record chart Gaon Chart. The awards focus more on songs and albums rather than musicians. Award finalists are based on the previous year's Gaon year-end chart performance according to data for sales of songs and albums. 它的基礎——Gaon Chart由韓國音樂內容產業協會運營和管理,是官方主持聯合各個音樂銷售渠道,在2010年打造成立的,號稱韓國本土最官方、公正和透明的音樂銷量榜單。相當於美國的Billboard、日本的Oricon,銷量是一切。今年的《Gaon Chart Music Awards》將於 23 日晚間七點在首爾蠶室室內體育館登場。 Gaon Chart Music Awards tickets will be in high demand this year after another successful year for the K-pop elite. With that in mind, make sure you buy your Gaon Chart Music Awards tickets quickly to avoid disappointment! The awards show previously confirmed that BLACKPINK, HAON, iKON, IZ*ONE, Stray Kids, TWICE, The Boyz, MOMOLAND, BEN, Bolbbalgan4, SEVENTEEN, (G)I-DLE, Im Chang Jung, and Punch will be attending this year’s ceremony.       8th GAONCHART MUSIC AWARDS *演出日期 : 2019.01.23 - 2019.01.23 *觀看時間 : 230 分鐘 *類型 : 演唱會 *演出地點 : Jamsil Indoor stadium(蠶室室內體育館 / 잠실실내체육관) *地址 : 首爾特別市鬆坡區蠶室洞10 *交通 : 地鐵2號線綜合運動場(Sports Complex)站6、7號出口之間,步行10分鐘 *觀看等級 : 8週歲以上 *Rating : 8years and over *Date : 01.23.19 (Wed) 7:00 PM ~ 10:50 PM (Duration time : 230 minutes) *Location : Jamsil Arena(Jamsil Indoor Stadium) in Seoul *Address : 25, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul *Subway : Sports Complex Station (Seoul Subway Line 2), Exit 6 &7. *Host / Organizer : Korea Music Content Association / GAON CHART Awards Executive Office   8th Gaon Chart K-pop Music Awards Tickets ※兌換地點:TRIPPOSE / YL-SEOUL 現場指定兌換處 15:00 - 15:30:第八屆 Gaon Chart K-POP Awards入場觀覽券兌換 17:00:入場 ※Ticket redeeption: Trippose / YL-SEOUL Ticket box 15:00 - 15:30:8th Gaon Chart K-pop Music Awards Admission voucher redemption 17:00:Entry *Seat Ticket on the 2nd floor : KRW 200,000 *PREMIUM FLOOR STANDING : KRW 240,000 ※取消政策:不可退款  ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.              ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked.  ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue.  ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable      Notice [Operation] Will the concert be held if it rains? Even if it rains, unless announced in the homepage, the concert will be held as planned.  [Operation] Can I take photographs or shoot videos? You may take photographs or shoot videos using simple tools. However, you are not allowed to use professional equipment (camera used by broadcasting program, use of tripod) to record or videotape the concert. If you do, you will be stopped. [Operation] Can I bring in foods or drinks inside the stadium? You may bring in water or beverages that are open. Otherwise, you are prohibited from bringing in foods inside the stadium. If discovered, the foods will be taken away and will not be returned. ※This ticket is only available for non-Korean nationals ※A valid ID(i.e. passport or foreign registration card) will be needed to verify your foreign nationality. ※If there is a Korean national in your group, you CANNOT purchase this ticket.          ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket.

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2019 Wanna One Concert [Therefore] 2019 WANNA - ONE CONCERT [ Therefore ] 將於2019年1月24日到27日期間,在高尺天空巨蛋舉行。此次為人氣組合WANNA - ONE的最後演唱會。  WANNA - ONE今年2018年12月31日與所屬事務所SWING娛樂的合約結束,在2019年1月5日·6日舉行1月15日的2019 Seoul Music Awards和2019 Golden disk Awards等參加頒獎儀式後,高尺天空巨蛋舉行2019 WANNA - ONE CONCERT [ Therefore ]進行告別演出。 WANNA - ONE11人與Wannable的告別演出,讓我們拭目以待。 [演出信息] - 演出節目 : 2019 Wanna One Concert [Therefore] - 演出日程 :  2019年1月24日(星期四)下午7點30分  2019年1月25日(星期五)下午3點30分  2019年1月26日(星期六)下午6點  2019年1月27日(星期日)下午6點 - 演出地點 :高尺巨蛋體育場  -門票價格 : 標準R119,000韓元 指定席R113,000韓元 指定席S108,000韓元     1/24開始將舉辦4天!Wanna One最後一場 2017年6月16日,WANNA ONE的十一位成員在Mnet音樂選秀節目《Produce 101 第二季》中獲勝,獲得出道資格;8月3日,首部團體綜藝節目《Wanna One Go》開播;8月7日,發行首張迷你專輯《1X1=1(TO BE ONE)》並在首爾高尺巨蛋舉行出道Showcase Concert,正式出道;8月16日,憑借首張迷你專輯主打曲《Energetic》在MBC音樂節目《Show Champion》中獲得出道之後的首個一位。 2018年12月18日,Wanna One經紀事務的公司表示,Wanna One的合約於12月31日到期,將於2019年1月解散。   Notice [Operation] Will the concert be held if it rains? Even if it rains, unless announced in the homepage, the concert will be held as planned.  [Operation] Can I take photographs or shoot videos? You may take photographs or shoot videos using simple tools. However, you are not allowed to use professional equipment (camera used by broadcasting program, use of tripod) to record or videotape the concert. If you do, you will be stopped. [Operation] Can I bring in foods or drinks inside the stadium? You may bring in water or beverages that are open. Otherwise, you are prohibited from bringing in foods inside the stadium. If discovered, the foods will be taken away and will not be returned. ※This ticket is only available for non-Korean nationals ※A valid ID(i.e. passport or foreign registration card) will be needed to verify your foreign nationality. ※If there is a Korean national in your group, you CANNOT purchase this ticket.          ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ 本入場券為外國人專用入場券,需本人攜帶護照或外國人登入證取票。 ※ 此門票為非指定席位,演唱會當日在現場確認身份證後。 ※ 因入場券的丟失及損傷的責任是在於本人,並且在任何情況下入場券是無法重新發行,並且無入場券時無法入場。 ※ 本演出是將進行直播,因此因拍攝用攝像機而有可能部分坐席會有遮擋,請給與諒解。 ※ 演出開始後入場將有可能被限制。 ※ 為了安全的觀覽,觀覽席內除了飲用水外的食物是禁止帶入。 ※ 如果因三腳架及大型攝像機而妨礙到他人的觀覽時,將有可能被安全工作人員所制止。 ※ 不正當預購及不是相應對像時(國民),其預購將會被取消,並且無法進行退款。 ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※取消政策:不可退款 

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[慶典介紹] 蔚山大公園延續春季玫瑰慶典盛況,冬季也努力給市民們帶來節日歡樂氣氛,在緩解市民煩躁情緒的同時促進文化慶典的發展。2016年,蔚山大公園南門地區的玫瑰園一帶首次使用燈光照明形式開展了第一屆活動。 過去兩年節日期間,通過多樣的慶典活動吸引了月25萬名 遊客前來,其中蔚山地區外觀光遊客站40%以上,成為全國冬季代表慶典。 今年第3屆慶典以“星光畫夢”為標語,選用“星光樂園”等5大主題,將在12月8日至明年1月27日期間,在玫瑰園一帶舉辦,玫瑰園入口噴泉廣場裝置了11米高的超大型月亮造型物,並將上演星月夢幻照明秀,相比去年增加了豐富多彩的演出活動。  

